This week I’m working on a fun new chicken for The City Girl Farm, so it’s time for another ink + yarn palette. This yarn is mostly natural (white) with hints of tons of other colors. There’s a bright carrot orange, a pretty pea green, an orangey-red, and an aqua to name just a few.…
Showing all posts tagged yarn and ink
Yarn + Ink: Perfectly Primary
With all the amazing ink colors out there, sometime I just go back to the primary colors and marvel that these 3 hues can be mixed in various proportions to make all the other colors! Recently I finished a sweater that had the primary colors, plus turquoise thrown in. So I had to search through…
Yarn and Ink: What’s in that pink?
It is now mid-November which means two fundamental things: I will forget that I need to take pictures early in the day, meaning they’ll now be badly (or artificially lit). You’d think after 44 years on earth I’d remember that fact, but every year I repeat the mistake. November is NaKniSweMo. For a little history…
Yarn + Ink: Taste the Rainbow
When I was knitting my last sample project, I knew it had to be the inspiration for a rainbow palette of ink colors! Don’t you agree? The inks: Vinta Hanan Waterman Tender Purple J. Herbin Vert Reseda Mont Blanc Lucky Orange Monteverde Mercury Noir Monteverde Horizon Blue Van Dieman Styx Valley Forest Green The knitting:…
Yarn + Ink: Easter Edition
I don’t celebrate Easter, but this week I’m working on a new chicken which is full of spring pastels, just in time for Easter. So today I give you an Easter palette: PenBBS #131 – Eagles over London Sailor Shikiori Yozakura Stipula Dark Grey/Grigio Lava
Thread + Ink: Spring greens.
This week I tried a new to me craft: embroidery. While I stitched on the Positive Plants kit from MCreativeJ ($31) my eye was one again drawn to my Col-o-Dex and all the ink colors it contains. This was was downright easy: Robert Oster Sublime Banmi Deep Green Colorverse Alpha Centauri C’mon spring!
Yarn + Ink Palette: Spring is Coming
This week is unseasonably warm and full of sunshine and it’s doing everything to raise my spirits. I’m also working on a new chicken for The City Girl Farm in an interesting mix of colors. I thought this post would be easy, until I went to pull inks swatched from my stash and didn’t find…