The crafty workspace of Emma Lamb. I try to stick to office and workspaces that are not specific to art-making or craft but maybe I’m starting to broaden my horizons. I like new top on the old wooden desk and the lace trim added to the shelves. Dreamy and sweet. (via emma lamb)
Showing all posts tagged workspace
Just a desk and a bit of flat surface creates a space for bills and writing letters, this one was made from an old cabinet, a stool and a plank of wood. (via niceroom from my 2nd life)
Clearing out the clutter and adding lots of storage space makes a worksapce that’s ready for any project big or small. I love the idea of using a butcher block as an additional work surface. (via The Vintage Cabin)
Darling little workspace for a child or a child-at-heart. (via PLAZA Interiƶr)
While my skills with Nordic languages is beyond iffy, I think this is a Swedish blogger who posts often about her beautiful home. This picture is of her work table where she sews. I love the use of low-budget strand board normally used for sub-flooring but here its been stained and polyurethaned to a soft…
I think I need to just paint my office white so I stop torturing my dear readers with endless photos of white workspaces! I think the white-on-white look is the perfect starting point for an office. Then add your favorite colors, a wonderful focal piece like a great desk, flamboyant chair or piece of art.…
Another clean, white, bright Nordic workspace. Clean neat spaces like this would be so inspiring to make big messes in! (via Lovenordic Design Blog)