Paper Review: Nanami Zen Paper

In a previous post, I reviewed the Cosmo Air Light (CAL) notebook from Musubi and compared it to the Tomoe River (TR) notebook (also from Musubi). I have included a few photos from those reviews in this post for review purposes. I’ve used the same pens with the same ink where I could, and all…

Notebook Review: Endless Recorder

I always love trying new paper so when Ana presented me with The Endless Recorder to try, I was thrilled. The Endless Recorder (€18.14 or $21.96) is a journal designed in Madrasa and manufactured in India. It is an A5 hard-bound journal, with a leatherette cover available in Deep Ocean (Blue), Infinite Space (Grey), Crimson…

A (Draft) Notebook Set-up for 2021: Planners, Journals, and Blank Pages

A (Draft) Notebook Set-up for 2021: Planners, Journals, and Blank Pages

It’s December (…how?) and after a year that deviated from plans more than anyone could have anticipated, apparently I still feel compelled to “plan” for the upcoming year. I say apparently because it wasn’t until earlier this week that I realized I had five different notebooks that I intended to continue using in the new…

Planner Review: Pebble Stationery Co Traveler’s Regular Sized Undated Planner

Review by Laura Cameron 2020 has been a strange year, and despite the fact that the Desk LOVES planners, clearly we haven’t needed them in months. A few weeks ago, Pebble Stationery Co. asked if we would be interested in reviewing their new Traveler’s Regular Sized Undated Planner ($17.99) and planner love won out and…

Notebook Review: Galen Leather Notebook

Notebook Review: Galen Leather Notebook

By Jessica Coles Have you ever finished an entire notebook? How about a notebook that uses Tomoe River paper? Because the paper is so thin, Tomoe River full sized A5 notebooks usually fall between 350 to 400 pages. Similarly sized notebooks made with thicker paper (Leuchtturm1917, Rhodia…) are closer to 250 pages. The dive into…

Giveaway: Galen Leather Co. EveryDay Books

Review by Laura Cameron I love all the Galen Leather Co. products I have tried, so when I received a handful of their new EveryDay notebooks to review I was super excited. We’ll start with the complete set. The A5 EveryDay Book set ($32.00) includes three A5 notebooks, guide sheets, a leather blotter and a…