Product Review: C. Ching Stationery Rubber Date Stamp

Review by Tina Koyama On various occasions, I’ve had the need for a rolling date stamper, and believe me, I’ve visualized more than once Ana’s impressive collection. But then I’d find a different solution to my need that worked just as well, and I would still be without one. Maybe it was my recent acquisition…

Giveaway: Letter-Centric Rubber Stamps from The Well-Appointed Desk

In honor of the start of A Month of Letters and InCoWriMo, I’d like to giveaway a set of rubber stamps to one lucky letter-writing reader. The winner will receive one “Letter Enclosed” stamp and one “Good Mail” stamp. Winner can choose any of the “Good Mail” designs currently available. Stamps are available in handle…

Paper Pastries’ Custom Return Address Stamps

Paper Pastries just created some new custom, hand-lettered return address stamps featuring animal silhouettes. Margaret asked if I’d be a volunteer address for her new creations since she knows I’m a cat lover. She created a lovely hand-lettered rubber stamp with my return address inside a big fluffy cat silhouette. Looks like my big ol’…

Stamps and seals

My absolute favorite find while traveling in Asia was this Uni Mitsubishi Stamp Pad (HSN-S30K) in red and a custom made chop from Stanley Market with my name carved into the bottom. The stamp pad was purchased at CN Square in Hong Kong for $36HK (a little more than $5US) while I paid about $10US…