Today is the tenth day of the first ever Inkmas and today’s offering is Rohrer & Klingner Verdigris. I have a little experience with French but not much with German so my first instinct was to think Verdigris would be a green-grey, vert gris. Totally wrong! It’s actually a blue-black. Yep. Jet Pens does not…
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12 Days of Inkmas: Diamine Red Dragon
Today’s Inkmas offering is Diamine Red Dragon. It’s a dramatic red-brown. I say red-brown because it is not at all pinkish though there is a cast of a deep burgundy. It’s a good holiday red for sure but its also a solidly-spirited red ink, good for use all year long. Diamine inks have impressed me…
12 Days of Inkmas: Pilot Blue
On this, the ninth day of Inkmas, I give you a tried-and-true classic, Pilot Blue. This is not the fancy-pants Iroshizuku version but the back-to-basics, loyal-like-a-labrador Pilot Blue. It comes in a gorgeous, classic bottle with a pedestal base that will look nice on your desk and last for ages. The bottle has an ingenious…
12 Days of Inkmas: Black Velvet
Inspired by Kenouni Renoshin‘s suggestion that I do more ink reviews, I give to you the first day of the 12 Days of Inkmas. Cheers! I must confess, of the eight inks I received this month from the December Ink Drop,in honor of Private Reserve founder Terry Johnson, I waited to do Private Reserve Black…
12 Days of Inkmas: Private Reserve Tanzanite
Inspired by Kenouni Renoshin‘s suggestion that I do more ink reviews, I give to you the first day of the 12 Days of Inkmas. Cheers! On this, the seventh day of Inkmas, I finally have some jewels. Well, ink jewels anyway. Private Reserve Tanzanite. This is also another of the colors (there’s only one left!) from…
Review: Hobonichi Planner 2014
Over the last few months, I’ve heard a lot of interest in the Hobonichi Planner. The name roughly translates to ‘Just about everyday planner’. The first aspect of this planner that piqued my interest was that it is filled with the much-coveted Tomoe River paper, known for its fountain pen friendliness. It’s also considered one…

12 Days of Inkmas: Private Reserve Avocado
Inspired by Kenouni Renoshin‘s suggestion that I do more ink reviews, I give to you the first day of the 12 Days of Inkmas. Cheers! For the sixth day of Inkmas, I thought I’d do one more green ink: Private Reserve Avocado. This is also another of the colors from the December Ink Drop in honor…