Hands On: Kaweco Skyline in Mint

Its a well-established fact that I love Kaweco pens. As fountain pens go, the Kaweco Sport line ticks all my boxes: great nib not too big/heavy reasonably priced pocket-able classic looking clip is optional interchangeable nib system The only downside with Kaweco was the lack of appealing body colors. Beyond black, white and aluminum, I…

Review: Dixon Tri-Conderoga Pencil

I’ve always been a fan of the classic Ticonderoga  pencils from Dixon. Where the Ticonderoga is a classic hexagonal wood-cased pencil, the Tri-Conderoga is a triangular pencil. The Tri-Conderoga has a rubberized coating with a matte black finish. What most surprised me is that the Tri-Conderoga is wider in diameter than the regular Ticonderoga or…