Letters to My Future Self ($14.95 MSRP) is a marvelously designed little book that contains self-sealing letters and prompts to write letters to yourself. The book was designed by Lea Redmond best know for the World’s Smallest Post Service Kit. The letters fold up and include designed stamps, labels and wonderful air mail patterns. On…
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From The Archives: Marvy LePen
Over the last four years of writing The Well-Appointed Desk, I’ve mentioned my propensity for Mary Le Pens but I realized I’ve never actually published a review. I initially discovered Le Pen in my pre-teens and it may be THE PEN that lead me to where I am today. Before finding LePens, I had only…
Review: Lokta Paper Goods by Monk Papers
Lokta paper is made from the fibrous inner bark of the high-elevation evergreen bushes in the Himalayans. This paper is often just called Nepali paper. Pen Boutique has started carrying a wide variety of lokta-based paper good from a company called Monk Papers including journals, notebooks, and stationery sets. I received a packet of deep…
Review: Pelikan Edelstein Ruby Cartridges
I’d been very interested in getting some of the Pelikan Edelstein ink cartridges. They come in a lovely tin and I like having a pack of cartridges at work so that, in a pinch, I can quickly refill a pen without making a big mess. The tin means I could keep it in my daily…
Review: DeAtramentis Apple Blossom Ink
DeAtramentis Apple Blossom ($12.95 for a 35ml bottle) is sort of an “in between” color. Its not quite red, pink, burgundy or purple. I would best describe is as a smoky red violet. Its a scented ink, its a slightly sweet, powdery smell that is supposed to be reminiscent of apple blossoms. It was most…
Book: Adventures in Stationery/The Perfection of The Paperclip
Adventures in Stationery: A Journey Through Your Pencil Case by James Ward is a book I could not overlook — just for the cover design and the title alone! I’ve read the description of the book at least three times and I’m still not sure what the book will contain. I’m going to hang all…
Review: Diamine Kelly Green Ink
I’ve had this sample bottle of Diamine Kelly Green set aside on my desk for months with plans to be “my next ink review”. Since December. Well, here it is. Finally. Diamine Kelly Green is a vivid, bright green with distinctly yellow undertones. For me, this means that in light strokes or fine nibbed pens,…