Is the US Postal Service really in trouble? The Missive Maven kindly rounds up several perspectives on the issue to help make sense of a very complex business and public service. I love the postal service for it brings me goodies from Etsy, magazines from my favorite publishers, and letters from friends. I do not…
Showing all posts tagged post and letter-writing
Writing Longer Letters
Writing Longer Letters While not entirely relevant or applicable to most people today, I was amused at some of the quotes about how, even in 1922, letter-writing was becoming less frequent and that one’s daily mail was more bills and advertising than correspondence. And even some of Ms. Post’s no-no’s would be welcome in my…
These darling postage stamps make me want to write lots of letters — in Finland anyway. (via DCW Design Blog)
With a sense of whimsy and repurposing, Nancy from Felt + Wire found a secondhand couture sunglasses case and turned it into a travel correspondence kit. It fit her business cards, retractable X-acto knife, a small container of paper clips, glue stick, eraser, mini stapler and postage stamps. Genius! I see these big glasses cases…