I just love this quote about letter-writing from Lord Byron found on Orange Art Store. I wandered over to their site when I heard they stock correspondence box sets in beautiful presentation boxes. Each set includes a selection of letterpress printed notecards, envelopes and writing paper. The set is a bit pricey at $75…
Showing all posts tagged post and letter-writing
Currently available on the other side of the pond from Moleskine is the Postal Notebook. Its a paperboard folio enclosure, ready-to-mail, with eight plain pages bound inside. There are two sizes available: pocket and large for £4 and £5.50 respectively and each is available in six different color paperboard covers. What a wonderful way to…
Love pencils AND getting mail? The you might want to sign up and awap pencils with Rad and Hungry’s Pencil Pals project. You might just be my pencil pal. I did just order a box of Blackwings and I might even consider sharing…. if you’re lucky! Sign up today! (via RAD AND HUNGRY)
Pepper your emails, letters and conversations with a little Shakespeare today. (via nawasaka: fuckyeahmoleskines : nawasaka.tumblr.com)
Advocating paper correspondence in a digital age
Advocating paper correspondence in a digital age This article is a great round-up of resources and reference regarding letter-writing from Letters of Note and Letterheady to organizations inspiring more paper correspondence in this digital age of ours.
…today, when junk mail is predominant, “postal management is unable to articulate a compelling vision of the public good,”…
…today, when junk mail is predominant, “postal management is unable to articulate a compelling vision of the public good,”… Quote attributed to Richard R. John, a historian at Columbia Univeristy Graduate School of Journalism. While I continue to subscribe to paper magazines, send and receive zillions of packages via Etsy and other online shops, and…
Darling Elisabeth of Afternoon Pity Party created three lovely postcard designs in support of the postal service. Download them for free and stick a 29¢ stamp on it and send it to a friend to show your support for the postal service. (via Afternoon Pity Party)