If you’re not too busy on Monday night, you might want to pop over to the Erasable podcast to hear me and the guys talking about colored pencils. That’s right, I’m going to be a guest on Erasable! I’ve been itching to discuss colored pencils at length so I hope they are ready for me…
Showing all posts tagged podcast
Pen Addict Podcast Reveals…
If you don’t or haven’t listened to this week’s episode of The Pen Addict podcast, I have a little spoiler for you. Thanks to the generosity of Brad and Myke and all the listeners to the show, the Kickstarter that they launched last week has exceeded their goals and expectations. As a result, the boys…
Pen Addict Podcast 130: Stop Spending My Money – Holiday Gift Guide 2014
For the second year running, Brad and Myke have kindly let me join them on The Pen Addict podcast to make my gift guide picks. These are most of my picks. If you want to see the full list including all of Brad and Myke’s picks (and hear me ramble and one of my cats…

Ask The Desk: The Well-Appointed Desk on Podcasts
Cecelia asked: I know you’ve done some guest podcasts–can you post a list of them/links to (or point me to them if I’m missing it). Thanks 🙂 Thanks for the question, Cecelia! Here’s a list of my podcast appearances. There aren’t a lot but here they are: The Pen Addict Episode 54: The Chair Of…
Pen Addict Podcast Ep. 109 with Special Guest, Me!
Brad invited me to hang out with him on the Pen Addict podcast this week while Myke is cavorting at WWDC. We discussed Kickstarter projects, the right tool for the right job and we revisit some of our old favorites. And I got to pick the Blog of the Week! Hope you enjoy listening to…
Pen Addict Podcast Episode #100 & Commemorative Tee
Have you purchased your commemorative Pen Addict Podcast Episode #100 t-shirt yet? The Teespring sale only runs through next week so place your order. Tees are Unisex sized, $18 each plus shipping. And, of course, they are orange. And then,of course, go and enjoy the 100th episode of The Pen Addict Podcast! But guard your…
You Are Listening to Erasable, Aren’t You?
I just wanted to check that you had heard about the new Erasable podcast? It is hosted by Andy of Woodclinched, Johnny from Pencil Revolution and Tim from Writing Arsenal (formerly The Daily Carry). Sunday, March 30th is Pencil Day and there will be a special episode broadcast so you’ve got time to listen to…