This week on Art Supply Posse, Heather and I are joined by Bob Atkins from Skylab Letterpress (true confession, my darling husband) to talk about letterpress printing and the somewhat circuitous route to finding your calling. We also go through some listener feedback and talk a bit about Inktober. Get all the show notes on…
Showing all posts tagged podcast
Podcast: Art Supply Posse Ep. 20 “Heather’s a Bookie”
After a two-week drought, Art Supply Posse is back with Heather grilling me for tips on how to build a better “zine”. And her mom sends her horse emoji. We promise we won’t go on vacation again for awhile. Show notes are available on the web site.
Art Supply Posse Ep. 19: Leap Without a Net
This week on Art Supply Posse, discuss our Inktober projects, Big Magic, Learn-to-Draw books and listener feedback. We pour it all in, add ice, a dash of bitters, shake, and garnish with a lime. We serve it up in a Collins glass with snacks and a bowl of links. You can listen to it here, on…
Art Supply Posse Ep 18: Fountain Pens for Drawing
In episode 18 of Art Supply Posse, we dive in with fountain pens for drawings. I rattle off all my favorite fountain pens for drawing and my favorite inks. Lots of links. Want to swim in the inky sea with us?
Art Supply Posse Ep 17: Falling for Joey Feldman
This week on Art Supply Posse, artist and pen enthusiast, Joey Feldman shares his origin story, how he met his mentor and what’s on his utility belt. Batteries to power, turbines to speed… ready to move out! We also talk about the Dallas Pen Show and, of course, favorite art supplies!
Podcast: Art Supply Posse Ep 16 Lettering 101
This week Art Supply Posse had a bit of a technical hiccup and had to re-record episode 16. So this is Episode 16, take two. We discuss the difference between lettering, calligraphy and typography and then I stick a nib in my mouth. The things I do for art. Also Heather goes up north and…
News: Podcast Update & Dallas Pen Show
I’ve got two pieces of news to share. First, there was a podcast snafu last night when we recorded Art Supply Posse. As a result, we are having to re-record the whole show again tonight. So, Episode 16 will not be posting until late on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Sorry for the delay. As Heather said…