I have been futzing around with what kind of planner I want to use for 2013. I’ve pretty much been hemming and hawing about this since my Exhaustive Planner/Calendar Round-Up back in August and now I’m feeling the crunch as the clock ticks down to January 1. I even went out and bought something thinking…
Showing all posts tagged planner
End of the year diary buzz
I posted some halfway point images of notebooks and diaries earlier is year but this end-of-year image on the Moleskine myMoleskine gallery is a delight to see. This is a well-loved and fully-utilized planner. Do you keep a daily paper record, be it notebook or planner or do you plan to do so in 2013?…
Action Diary for 2013 Giveaway
The folks over at We Are What We Do sent me a new 2013 Action Diary to giveaway to one lucky winner. I reviewed their diary earlier this year and the new edition is the same fine quality paper, matte-coated paperboard covers and filled with quippy “Get off your tookus” inspirational messages and pages for…
Another use for Washi Tape
JensieJean at Take Two, They’re Small uses a Russel + Hazel binder as her planner and then puts her stash of washi tape to good use to highlight multi-day projects. The tape makes it easy to move an event if necessary and also to create color coding for different projects, family activities, vacations, etc. Clever…
Daycraft planners for 2013
The fine folks at Daycraft sent me two new 2013 planners to share. More details on how to win at the bottom of the post. The first up is a bright orange, leatherette-covered week-at-a-glance Signature Chromatic A5 planner. Its approximately 6″x8.25″ if you’re not familiar with the European and Asia paper sizing. It is filled…
Ciak Planners for 2013
I hate to harp on it but its never too early to start picking out your planner for 2013. I noticed the shelves at Barnes & Noble already teeming with planners and calendars for the coming year and many of the most popular brands sell out before December rolls around and you might be forced…
From our fine readers…
I have received several questions and recommendations from our fine readers so I thought I might start an infrequent post series “From our fine readers”. Shall we begin? Mark recommended a recent story from The Smithsonian Magazine on the history of the @ symbol. Great article about one of my favorite little glyphs. Nathalie asked…