Get Organized: Todoist Next

Today, Todoist upgraded its platform with web-, mobile-, browser- and desktop-based versions of the app and an all-new, streamlined look. They are definitely setting themselves to compete with Wunderlist. The new version offers free collaboration and what appears to be extensive functionality, especially with the collaboration tools and could give Basecamp a run for its…

News: Planner Camp

Planner Camp is an online class, forum and resources to help you create your own planner to organize and plan your perfect year. Planner Camp starts on Monday and costs $49US. Some of the topics and features of the project include: Three weeks of private posts, tips and video tutorials Access to a private student…

Link Love: The Deja Vu Edition

A lot of topics I’ve mentioned in the past, have made appearances on other blogs this week. I thought I’d start with those… Note: In this section, the first link is my original post and the links in parentheses are the posts from other bloggers. Write Notepads (via Pencil Revolution and My Pen Needs Ink)…

Link Love: Heart-Stealing Pens, Paper & Inks

Pencils: Lots of great videos including spinning pencils and Count von Faber-Castell drinking ink and throwing pencils out a castle window (via Pencil Revolution) Bullet Pencil Restoration (via Woodclinched) Notebooks & Paper: Field Notes Cold Horizon Review (Unroyal Warrant) Field Notes Planning System (via Simple Ideas and Thoughts) Tomoe River Paper Review (via Vertical Paper)…