Happy Holidays to everyone! The Well-Appointed Desk will be back after the holidays and a much-needed holiday. Hope you all have a restful holiday and start jotting down those New Year’s Resolutions! See you on Jan 2, 2012! Season’s greeting poster from ad agency, Publicis Singapore. The pencil is embossed with “Every good idea begins…

DIY Pencil cup cozy and note paper coaster. Oh, how perfect to make this over the holidays so I’ll be ready to go on Jan. 2 with a reusable cup cozy (for Resolution #17: Be more environmentally friendly) and inspire me to write and draw more (Resolutions # 3 and #4 respecitvely). (via Crafty Staci)

A subscription is a great gift that will keep on giving like the Colors subscription from Field Notes. If you purchase a subscription now, you’ll receive two sets of the Northerly 3-packs and two kraft-cover 3-packs sent immediately and then quarterly, other limited edition sets will be delivered. Each quarterly set will include two 3-packs…