Pencil Talk has reviewed a few obscure bicolored (red and blue) pencils which, in and of themselves, are fairly rare these days. I love the idea of having a double-ended pencil with red and blue but does anyone know the original purpose for using these? (via pencil talk)
Showing all posts tagged pencil
The Honest Boy pencil sharpener. $9.99 (via Perpetual Kid)
Pencils full of love for Valentine’s Day! (via oneupdesigns on Etsy)
A collection of pencils acquired over a summer holiday 2010. (via Pencil Points)
Read the detailed tale of the revival of the Blackwing pencil from the end of the original production run to the new versions issued by Palomino. Oh, how we can be so passionate about just the right writing instrument! (via Fortune from May. 19, 2011)
A Pearl Among Swine?
I had heard about the legendary Paper Mate Black Pearl eraser — the distant cousin of the old faithful Pink Pearl — but I had never located one to see for myself if it was all it was cracked up to be. I was visiting my local office supply superstore and lo and behold… the…
Tips for pimping out your office supplies with rubber bands— functional, inexpensive and lovely. From our pals at Rad + Hungry! (via RAD AND HUNGRY Newsletter)