Pencil erasers don’t usually erase worth a damn so why not make them useful in other ways like making fun dotty art with a rainbow stamp pad! Use them to color code files or decorate a letter, note or package. Fun, cheap and easy! (via Li’l Magoolie)
Showing all posts tagged pencil
Link Love: All Write, all write!
(Links for images in the collage above are all listed in the links below) Today’s Link Love is all writing instruments! Pencils Links: Turn paper into pencils (via Office Supplies Junkie) Moleskine Highlighter Pencils (via NoteMaker) Gorgeous Vintage Pencils (via Present and Correct) Pen Links: An interview with Michael Gutberlet of Kaweco (via Jet Pens)…
Donna Hay Does Pencils
I always think of Donna Hay as the Martha Stewart of Australia — fabulous taste, great food, and home decor that makes me feel like I live in a trailer on blocks. So, it should have come as no surprise to me that she would be selling a stunning little box set of pencils in…
Replacement for the Sanford NoBlot?
Several years ago, thanks to the folks over at Pencil Talk, I discovered the Sanford NoBlot. It was, at the time, one of the last available “indelible pencils”. If you’re not familiar with indelible pencils, they were meant to be a sort of permanent pencil; something that couldn’t be erased without leaving a visible mark…
Lefty Pencil Sharpener
As a left-hander, I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of owning a left-handed pencil sharpener. Over the years, there’s only ever been “the other kind” available so I made do. But thanks to the fine folks at Pencil Things, I was able to purchase my first lefty sharpener. For you right-handers out there, I…
AutoPoint TwinPoint Mechanical Pencil
Thanks to a tip from Carolee at Good Mail Day, I am now the proud owner of not just a red/blue pencil but a mechanical red/blue pencil. I purchased the Autopoint TwinPoint from PencilThings and was able to choose from an assortment of configurations for this classic looking mechanical pencil. There were several lead sizes…
Link Love
After a week full of various technical difficulties including my WordPress Template eating itself and my Twitter account getting hacked, I’m ready for a little levity. So here’s a few links I collected this week that will hopefully make you happy too. This mail love cartoon was found on Fountain Pen Geeks and was created…