These lovely, hand-crafted, limited edition Macinari Japanese wooden mechanical pencils have been discontinued. Only the maple finish are still available so get them while you can. $45 (via Aha Life)
Showing all posts tagged pencil
Vote to win!
Cast your votes for your favorite writing tools and then leave a comment below for your chance to win a $25 gift certificate to spend at JetPens. FINE PRINT: Voting ends at 7pm on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 (US Central Time). You do not have to be registered in this district to vote. All entries must…
This allegorical image of pencils seemed appropriate with the impending election here in the US. I hope everyone sharpens their pencils and casts their vote on Tuesday. (photo by Blink Images)
Link Love: Slow News Week
Leuchtturm 1917 Notebook Video Review (via Ink Nouveau) Pilot Hi-Tec C 0.4mm Review (via Gourmet Pens) Ode to the Pink Pearl (via Design Sponge) Tiny Post Offices (via Present & Correct) Journaling School (via Notebook Stories) (Thanks to all my favorite blogs, twitter friends and email contacts who keep me posted on the latest pen/pencil/paper…
Pencil Shaving Art
Pencil shaving artwork by Marta Altés. (via Adalou Vintage)
Link Love: Lots of Pens with Video Bookends
(video of hand-lettered cards with the lyrics to Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues from Leandro Senna. It looks like it was lettered with an assortment of Pigma Micron and Faber-Castell PITT artist pens) Fountain Pens Interchangeable Lamy Nibs (via East West Everywhere) Why Lamy Al-Star/Safari/Vista is a good First Fountain Pen (via Inktronics) An Economy TWSBI?…