Link Love: This Should Keep You Busy For Awhile

Pens and Ink Blue Ink Comparison Chart (via JetPens) Levenger True Writer Kyoto (F) Review (via From The Pen Cup) Beginner Fountain Pens Part I and Part II (via East West Everywhere) Tips for Buying Bottled Ink (via Writer’s Bloc) Kuretake Zig Cocoiro Roller Ball Review (via Economy Pens) Pencils One of the Best Things…

Ask The Desk: Adjustable Pencil Sharpener

Today’s question comes from Victoria at Paper & Type: Most sharpeners I’ve come across sharpen to a depth/length of about 3/4″ to 1″. I’m looking for one that sharpens closer to just 1/2″. Am I making sense, & might you happen to know of one? I’d appreciate if you could point me in the right…

Early American Pencil Sharpener

This isĀ  an early-20th century pencil sharpener from Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co. of Chicago. This design was patented in 1906. The design is made of steel, tin and cast iron and mounted on a wooden base. It has a removable bottom drawer to trap shavings.This was the best-selling pencil sharpener until 1914 when it was…