Link Love: Pens, Paper and a Beaver Pencil Sharpener

Pens and Pencils: The Pilot Murex Fountain Pen Review (via Pen Addict) TWSBI Diamond Mini Review (via Rhodia Drive) Palomino Blackwing Pencil Review (via Guitar Salon, tip o the hat to @pencilscom on Twitter) Vintage Flex (via Rhodia Drive) Carnival of Pen, Pencil, Paper on Pen Addict this month Mechanical Pencil Lead Comparison (via Economy…

Link Love: Write it down now

This is what happens when I don’t do a Link Love for over two weeks: it becomes epic! Sorry its so long but I didn’t want anything to get overlooked or skipped. Handwriting Month: January is National Handwriting Month (via Letter Writers Alliance) January 23rd is National Handwriting Day (via Detroit Free Press) Why email…