I recently discovered that of all the pen reviews I’ve written over the years, I never actually used or reviewed the office supply closet staple, the Pilot G-2 gel pen. Partly I think it was because I had never found one in an office supply shop that was narrower than the 0.7mm width. I just…
Showing all posts tagged pen
Video: A different kind of pen spinning
Beautiful video of hand crafting a metal pen. (via Gizmodo, originally from Alexandre Chappel)
Video: BEGIN Japanology
I forgot to include a link to these videos in yesterday’s Link Love but this is more of a Friday waste-a-few-minutes-on-the-company’s-dime activities anyway. Tipping my hat to Brad at Pen Addict for posting these videos. If you’re a fan of shows like “How Things Are Made” AND you like pens and stationery, especially from Japan,…
Pens in the Wild: Uppercase Magazine
What does Janine Vangool of Uppercase Magazine reach for when she needs to create loose brush lettering for her publications? Of course, a Zig Letter Pen Cocoiro with brush pen insert. (images from Janine’s Instagram Feed)
Link Love: TWSBI Future Releases, Inks, Notebooks and Bag Check
Pens and Pencils: TWSBI shows off new designs (via FPGeeks) In anticipation of the release (today!) of the Palomino Blackwing Pearl, a review of the Palomino Blackwing 602 (via Pencil Revolution) Why I use wooden pens (via The Pen Company) Don’t Be Afraid of a Pencil (via Medium) — this article is so good I’m…
Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen Review
I had recently seen the Pilot Metropolitan pop up on JetPens but noticed that most of the color options had sold out immediately. Then I heard Brad of The Pen Addict Podcast discuss his rather blah reaction to it and his general aversion to all things gold. So… guess what I bought? Yup. The gold…
Uni-Ball Jetstream 0.38 Review
I have generally had a bias against ballpoint pens. I remember the gloopy, messy ballpoints from childhood that write with wide strokes and leave an oily mess. The folks at Uni-Ball changed my opinion about ballpoints though with their Jetstream line. This is the Jetstream Ballpoint Pen 0.38 with light pink body and it features…