Cassandra Ketrick is planning to relocate to New York City in February so, as a good and loyal paper junkie, she built a custom moving planner to organize all the things she needs to accomplish in the next few weeks. There are more photos of her planner available on her web site.
Showing all posts tagged notebook
Clairefontaine Crok Book Plain Notebook
The Clairefontaine Crok Book is a small, composition-sized notebook that is as plain as plain can be — and I mean that it in the best possible way. It has white cardstock covers with the Crok Book logo embossed on the cover and contains 48 pages of 90 gsm of smooth, bright-white paper. It is…
Favorite Tools of 2012
I’ve reviewed, purchased and drooled over hundreds of products in 2012 so I thought I’d share with you my favorites of the year, in no specific order: Tie for Favorite Fountain Pen: Kaweco Guilloch 1930 EF Fountain Pen Tie for Favorite Fountain Pen: TWSBI Diamond 540 EF Demonstrator Favorite Highlighter: Pilot Preppy Highlighter Favorite Lefty-centric…
The Perpetual Planner
I have been using a Paper & Type Letter Ledger for almost a year and I just love it. Its is designed to help keep track of letters received and letters sent. There is space to include notes about the incoming correspondence and your outgoing message like Aunt Jean sent a new pair of mittens…
Expectations and Expeditions, Field Notes that is.
If you have spent anytime on Twitter the past couple weeks you’ll probably be aware that while everyone is tickled with the colors and the durability of the new Yupo-based Field Notes Expedition Edition, there has been a lot of blowback about how usable these notebooks actually are. If you have note heard about these…
Link Love: Snow Day Edition
Pens and Pencils Fountain Pen Basics (via Pentrace) Monteverde Prima & Field Notes Traveling Salesman Review (via From The Pen Cup) Platinum Preppy Eyedropper Conversion (via Missive Maven) Pentel Libretto Pen and Pencil Set (via Economy Pens) Pentel Pulaman Disposable “Fountain” Pen (via A Penchant For Paper) A.S. Manhattaner’s “Kitty In the City” Fountain Pen…
Jolly and Bright
Need a bright stocking stuffer for a younger relative or just something to brighten up your office through the grey days of winter? These inexpensive, color composition notebooks from Office Depot are just $2.99 each. Get a whole stack and feel fine handing one to a co-worker who forgot to bring paper to a meeting.…