Link Love: Fountain Pen Day and NaNoWriMo

Two big pen- and paper-related events are happening on November 1. There is the second annual Fountain Pen Day so its time to dust off your collection, clean ’em or refill them and show your fountain pen pride. And then there’s the annual NaNoWriMo, AKA The National Novel Writing Month, which starts on November 1…

Does Anyone Still Use Paper Address Books?

  (Pictured above: Hallmark Address Book, Leuchtturm Pen & Pencil Loop, US Mail Stamp, G. Lalo notecard and Letter Ledger) This may seem like an arcane topic in 2013 but I think paper address books are still handy and, that if you don’t have one, its not a bad idea to start one. Why? Digital data can get corrupted, lost, or…