Notebook Review: Paper-Oh Notebooks

Notebook Review: Paper-Oh Notebooks

Review by Tina Koyama When I first visited Paper-Oh’s site, I was immediately struck by the beauty of its products. The notebook designs all have an elegant Japanese look – refined and understated, even when bold colors and elements are used. (Their promotional information does refer to Japanese gift-wrapping and paper-folding inspiration.) Although they’re just…

Review: Blackwing Notebooks

Review: Blackwing Notebooks

This spring, Blackwing added two additional notebook options to its line-up. Previously the only notebook they offered was their flagship Slate notebook ($22.95). Now joining The Slate is the Clutch pocket-sized notebooks ($14.95) selling in packs of three and the larger Summit notebook ($21.95). All three notebooks share the same 100gsm paper and all three are…

Notebook Review: Baron Fig Metamorphosis

Baron Fig has become a product releasing machine. Metamorphosis ($20 for individual purchase or $74 per year for quarterly subscription) is the second release in 2017 in the subscription series for the Confidant. This time, they are making fewer waves than they did with the Askew, which ruffled quite a few feathers. The Metamorphosis treads more…

Review: NEW Denik Layflat Notebook

Denik Notebooks heard the comments about their notebooks from reviewers across the internet and have retooled them and introduced the new Denik Layflat Notebook. They feature the same soft touch softcovers, same interior paper but Denik improved the binding of their books to get a better binding. The books open easier, exposing more of the…

Ask The Desk: Traveler’s Notebooks vs. Fodderstack and A5 Refill Options for Louis V. Organiser

Matthew put me to task with this stumper: If you had to choose one out of the three below for your everyday carry, which one would it be and why? Nock co. Fodderstack XL ($17) Paper Republic Grand Voyageur (Passport Size) (approx. $42.31 USD) Travelers Notebook (Passport) ($44.50) P.S. – Your pen of choice of course.…