Notebook Review: Princeton Architectural Press Observer’s Notebook: Weather

Notebook Review: Princeton Architectural Press Observer’s Notebook: Weather

I have obtained notebooks over the years for various reasons – interesting paper, a beautiful cover, an interesting size or shape, a great sale, review purposes, gifts. I need very little convincing to pick up a new notebook that catches my eye and I was enchanted when I came across a new line of notebooks…

Notebook Review: Endless Recorder

I always love trying new paper so when Ana presented me with The Endless Recorder to try, I was thrilled. The Endless Recorder (€18.14 or $21.96) is a journal designed in Madrasa and manufactured in India. It is an A5 hard-bound journal, with a leatherette cover available in Deep Ocean (Blue), Infinite Space (Grey), Crimson…

Product Review: William Hannah A5 Notebook

Product Review: William Hannah A5 Notebook

After reading Jaclyn’s post a few weeks ago about her customized William Hannah A5 discbound notebook cover (starting at £99), I realized how much I had always wanted one. Compared with other discbound systems, the William Hannah covers are definitely on the luxury end of the spectrum. The covers are leather, with durable metal rings…

A (Draft) Notebook Set-up for 2021: Planners, Journals, and Blank Pages

A (Draft) Notebook Set-up for 2021: Planners, Journals, and Blank Pages

It’s December (…how?) and after a year that deviated from plans more than anyone could have anticipated, apparently I still feel compelled to “plan” for the upcoming year. I say apparently because it wasn’t until earlier this week that I realized I had five different notebooks that I intended to continue using in the new…

Notebook Review: Leuchtturm 1917 Some Lines a Day

Notebook Review: Leuchtturm 1917 Some Lines a Day

Review by Tina Koyama A lifelong journal keeper, my mom used various diary and journal formats throughout her life. One I remember her using when I was a child was a small, five-year diary. Each page was headed by the date, and below that were five small spaces, one for each year. My mother, a…