On Monday afternoon, the pen community received devastating news that Susan Wirth, the Godmother of Pen Shows, Queen of Ink, and someone I like to think of as a friend, passed away. My “word of the day” today was “moxie” and it couldn’t be a more appropriate word to remember Susan because she had it…
Showing all posts tagged news
Giveaway Winner: Baron Fig Confidant Metamorphosis
Congrats to: our winner of the Baron Fig Confidant Metamorphosis! I’ve contacted Mark via email so he can get started on his commonplace book in his new Metamporphosis this week, should he so choose. I got home from Chicago last night so timely posts should resume tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy this photo of me…
Atlanta Pen Show Recap and Looking Forward to Chicago
It’s taken me almost a week to recover from the Atlanta Pen Show. I was so busy working behind the Vanness Pens table, I forgot to take photos but luckily, everyone else took tons. During the day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I sold ink, pens and paper with Lisa Vanness and Christa at the Vanness Pen table…
Giveaway Winner: Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quartz
Woo! Lots of love for Smoky Quartz and Aquamarine and the as-yet unnamed 2018 olive green ink in the Pelikan Edelstein and Col-o-ring Giveaway. Congrats to Dave C. our giveaway winner who has already been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. We’ll have more ink and Col-o-ring giveaways post-Atlanta Pen Show.…
News: Col-o-ring Release, Upcoming Pen Shows & Swatching Video
I did a soft launch of the Col-o-ring Ink Testing Books this weekend and thought, “Hey, maybe we might sell a few.” Um, wow. The response was amazing. We sold out. In a day. I’m speechless. We are going back on press this week and will be adding more to the shop throughout the week…
Coming Soon: Col-o-ring Ink Testing Books
After obsessively testing papers since October and finally making a decision about the “right” stock in January, Skylab Letterpress and The Well-Appointed Desk is finally unveiling our answer to the gap in the market — the perfect ink testing swatch book, The Col-o-ring. We sourced 100lb/160gsm natural white paper from a 400-year-old European paper mill…
News: The Pencil Perfect
Look what popped up this morning in my Amazon recommendations! Yes, folks, Caroline Weaver of CW Pencil Enterprise fame has a book on the way! The book is called The Pencil Perfect: The Untold Story of a Cultural Icon and it will be released in hardcover on April 24, 2017. The price is listed at…