The Well-Appointed Desk is getting a new look with business cards and mailing labels thanks to quick and easy Moo cards. If you’ve never used Moo before, its a great way to make super customized, small run business cards, postcards and labels. With minimum quantities of 50 for business cards starting at $19.99, its a…

Che-Wei Wang and Taylor Levy of CW&T love the Pilot Hi-Tec C pens almost as much as I do but they went the extra step and drew up plans and prototypes for stainless steel housing and sleeve. The sleeve doubles as a ruler with metric and imperial measurements on it. Right now, the team has received lots of funding through the Kickstarter program so let’s hope that this amazing unit will be available soon! (via Pen Type-A Kickstarter)

Today on Fab, selected items from Michael Roger Press’s stationery collection are available at special prices. The Decomposition Notebook is made from 100% recycled post-conusmer waste content and is available with this wood grain cover as well as several other designs. Sale ends Saturday. (via