Because of Inkmas, we postponed Link Love for the last few weeks so this is the epic, curl-up-in-a-blanket-and-get-comfy edition of Link Love. There are lots of “best of 2023” and “plans for 2024″ posts so we collected them into one category and gave it pride of place. So, if you’re looking to see what you…
Showing all posts tagged Link Love

Link Love: Inkvent is Upon Us!
With the turn of the calendar to the month of December, I heard a cacophony of paperperforations being torn the world over as folks cracked open the first days of their Inkvent calendars. Some might be making up their own countdown calendars. Other are opening chocolate calendars, coffee or tea calendars or even yarn mini…

Link Love: The Post-Holiday Funk Edition
I hope everyone found some great deals this weekend. I got a FREE case of the crud while traveling for the Thanksgiving weekend. Its not a gift I recommend nor am I planning on re-gifting it. It’s made it difficult to function this week. And sleep. So, I apologize in advance for nonsensical posts, poor…

Link Love: The Gift Guide Season Has Arrived
If you can’t tell by the title of this week’s Link Love, Gift Guide season is upon us. Check out all the cool ideas for gifts and add them to your wish list. Then hopefully, on Friday, you can buy, buy, buy! On the topic of Gift Guides, keep an eye out for every pen…

Link Love: Without Comment
I’m running late on Link Love so it’s without commentatu this week. Pens: Pelikan M200 Pastel Blue (via Mountain of Ink) BENU Model Comparison (via Penultimate Dave) Flushing New Fountain Pens (via dapprman) Inkograph Stylo the Saga Continues (via Chronicles of a Fountain Pen) Summoning all of the grinds. Well, five of them. (via mnmlscholar) Ink:…

Link Love: Is it Black Friday Already?
Has anyone else noticed the “early Black Friday” sales that have already started? With the state of the economy, inflation and world issues, companies big and small are hoping to boost end-of-year sales. From my own personal experience, as well as my jobby-job, I can tell you that sales for products are down about 20-25%…

Link Love: Good bye, Inktober. Hello, Nanowrimo!
Today we say good bye to Inktober and hello to Nanowrimo. I love monthly projects. When I can commit to a daily project, I really enjoy them. But, I am sure, like everyone else, somewhere around the 15th, the real life day-to-day throws those projects over. But I commend everyone who even attempts these. So,…