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Showing all posts tagged Link Love
Link Love: Eraser Day and His Bradness Goes to a Pen Show
For me, the big news this week was The Pen Addict’s trip to the Atlanta Pen Show so if you read nothing else, check out both of his recaps from the show. Atlanta Pen Show Recap, Part 1 (via Pen Addict) Atlanta Pen Show Recap, Part 2 (via Pen Addict) Pens and Pencils Pens and…
Link Love: Weekend Edition
I have been collecting more and more great links from other bloggers so I thought I’d double-up this week to get caught up. Miscellany Better Penmanship, Less Pain: An article about playwright Jon Robin Baitz’s love for Kaweco fountain pens (via NY Times) Customized Wax Seal Stamps from Old School Seals Definitve Guide to Eaiting…
Link Love: Links
This week, I thought I’d share some of the other bloggers who do their own version of Link Love. Goldspot Pens is hosting the April Carnival of Pens and Paper Ink Links is The Pen Addict’s weekly round-up Friday Link Share is where Rhodia Drive collects their favorites each week March Miscellany from A Penchant…
Link Love: Vintage Pens and Pen Addict Love
The big news this week is that Moleskine launched their IPO. Several of the links below are as a result of all the attention Moleskine is getting this week. There is an assortment of goodies from Brad Dowdy over at Pen Addict including his Tools and Toys Guide to Fountain Pens which I’m willing to…
Link Love: Unicorn Ink and More About Google Reader
Pens and Pencils: TWSBI Diamond 50 ink bottle now comes with a plastic cap (via TWSBI) Make a Pencil from old Paper (via Rad + Hungry) The Pilot Metropolitan (via Inkdependence) Paper: Understanding the Moleskine IPO (via A Dog’s Garden of Versus) Word Notebook review (via Pencil Revolution) Misc: Kathy and Donovan from 16 Sparrows…
Link Love: Google Reader Laments and more
Pens and Pencils: Lamy 2000 Review (via From the Pen Cup) Pentel EnerGize X (via Pencil Revolution) Currently Inked (via East West Everywhere) A new pen blog from the genius behind Pencil Revolution Cigar Box Pen Storage The Bolt (Kickstarter pen) Review (via From the Pen Cup) Paper: Calepino Notebook Review (via Notebook Stories) Follow-up…