Link Love

I know my Link Love lists look ridiculously long but this is pared down from the over 200 individual posts I read since the last Link Love. There’s a lot of chatter this week about how and why people are writing things down and a resurgence of interest in an assortment of budget tools. Picking…


Notebooks & Paper: Mitchell Leather Horween Dublin Journal Covers – Standard & Deluxe (via Gourmet Pens) OrangeArt Tattersall Journals (via Office Supply Geek) Rhodia Landscape Webbie (via Rhodia Drive) Pilot Letter Pad for Fountain Pens Review (via Pen Addict) Follow-Up: Field Notes Shelterwood (via The Newsprint) Kokuyo Systemic Refillable Notebook Cover Review (via Pen Addict)…

Link Love: Four P’s and some I’s

Inks: Organics Studio Nickel Teal (via Pens! Paper! Pencils!) Akkerman Hague Brown (via A Fool With A Pen) Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-Yo (via Ed Jelley) Pens: Kaweco AL Sport (EF Nib) (via The Pen Addict) Lamy AL-Star Blue-Green Broad (via Gourmet Pens) TWSBI 540 Amber Fountain Pen – F Nib (via The Clicky Post) Pilot Kakuno…