Thanks to, I was able to keep a Star Wars link in this week. It’s a link to the preview for all the Star Wars movies that will be available on Disney+ starting May 4 (May the Fourth Be With You, of course! Stay tuned, we will have a special sale in the shop…
Showing all posts tagged Link Love
Link Love: (Week Five Quarantine) Making All The Things
There are some weeks when writing the introduction for Link Love is a challenge because I have no idea what to write and other weeks when I have too many ideas in my head and I can’t figure out what to focus on. This week is a too-many-ideas week so pardon me if I prattle…
Link Love: (Week Four Quarantine) Relax & Reflect
Another week of living in our contracted worlds. The pen and stationery community continues to try to bring you pen, ink and notebook reviews and inspiration to keep you going as you work from home, try to educate your kids from a distance or continue to go to and from your essential job while staying…
Link Love: (Week Three Quarantine)
Since sheltering at home is the new reality for so many of us, I know a lot of folks are tired of reading about it or even thinking about it. I tried to keep all the even-marginally Shelter-at-Home/Coronavirus links in their own section this week which I title “Keep Yourself Entertained.” However, our new reality…
Link Love: (Week Three Quarantine)
It looks like our stay-at-home/self-quarantining orders are going to last at least through the month of April. Many of us are learning to live a different sort of life, what seemed unthinkable a few weeks ago, is now starting to feel routine. Sometimes scary, sometimes just plain weird. Last week, my hair stylist texted me…
Link Love: (Week Two Quarantine)
For me, this is my second week of social distancing/quarantine/lockdown. Tuesday was the start of a 30-day Stay-at-Home Order from the city of Kansas City. Previously, we were just recommended to practice social distancing, but this week things have gotten more serious. I would love to make Link Love entirely a place for escape from…
Link Love: (Week One Quarantine)
Truly, I considered doing a post without a single mention of the viral infection that has left us all quarantined in our homes but I just couldn’t. So, I put most of the posts in their own section this week. That way, if you are sick to tears of all the gloom-and-doom, you can just…