While I’m on the subject of fountain pen inks, I thought I’d seek out some reviews about the old stand-by, black ink. Here are a few reviews and comparisons I found: Parka Blogs tests out just how waterproof Noodler’s Bulletproof Black really is Pentrace has a nice overview of several brands of black inks. Though…
Showing all posts tagged ink
As I’ve been getting more interested in fountain pens this year, I have also discovered fountain pen inks. While some would not be surprised by this revelation, I’ve been blown away by the huge variety of colors available in fountain pen inks from companies like J. Herbin, Noodlers and so many more. But how does…
Just a lovely illustration of feather pen and ink well to brighten your day. (via Alanna Cavanagh)
One of my resolutions for 2012 is to learn more about fountain pens and inks. This handy tool called the Nib Nook lets you create a comparison of nibs from the various manufacturers carried at Goulet Pens. If you are also interested in learning more about fountain pens and inks, Goulet Pens offers ink samples…
Noodler’s Ink acquired some new-old-stock vintage inks with patriotic labels. The term “V-mail” appeard on the labels which seemed to relate to WWII. So they did a little reverse engineering and created some modern interpretations complete with war-themed names like GI Green, Mandalay maroon and Operation Overlord Orange and Army Air Corp and RAF planes…