Sorry to have dragged my feet sharing the most recent Ink Drop colors from Goulet Pens but sometimes priorities get a little shuffled. Alternately, you get a two-fer this month of both the August color offerings, described as the “best shading colors” and the September offerings “staff favorites”. September “staff favorites” featured: Diamine Apple Glory,…
Showing all posts tagged ink
VIDEO: Refilling Ink Cartridges with Bottled Ink
While I put together a perfectly acceptable photo-tutorial for refilling an ink cartridge, Brian over at Goulet Pens had to totally one-up me with one of his spiffy videos. So, while my photo tutorial is fine as a quick reminder, if you want the step-by-step, check out the video!
Ink Drop Reveal for July 2012
In preparation for the Olympics, Goulet Pens put together an Ink Drop sampler featuring the colors of the Olympic rings. Bright vivid colors from Pilot Iroshizuku, Noodler’s, Diamine, J. Herbin and de Atramentis are a nice festive flair for the Olympics. I particularly like the de Atramentis Gold which is not metallic but a good…
InkJournal Notebook
If you are becoming as much of a collector of fountain pen ink as I am, this little pocket notebook set might be just what you need to keep all those colors straight. Each page provides an area to note the brand, date and pen used to test out the ink as well as a…
Ink Drop for June: Summer Picnic
Spoiler peek at the Goulet Pens Ink Drop sample colors for June arrived and they are themed “Summer Picnic”. Its all fruit and vegetable themed. None of the colors were particularly keen to my flex nib dip pen but I think that actually bodes well for the fountain pens. I am particularly fond of the…
Refilling a Kaweco with a syringe
With the Kaweco giveaway deadline fast approaching, I thought I would share my technique for refilling my Kaweco with ink. I don’t like being limited to just the cartridge ink colors available. Kaweco has a nice variety for cartridges but there are SO many other ink colors available that its nice to have an option…
Kaweco Cartridge Dispenser
While exploring the NoteMaker web site, I stumbled across this gem, the Kaweco cartridge dispenser. Maybe I’m uninformed but I was unaware that such a thing existed and now I must have one! What a perfect way to store extra ink cartridges for your beloved Kaweco (well, mine is beloved)! $9.89US from NoteMaker. Don’t forget…