Paper: World War 2 Diaries Found in Attic (via Notebook Stories) Pocket Notebooks: What does Fountain Pen Friendly really mean? (via Ed Jelley) Paperblanks Journals (via Inkophile) Moleskine Cahier Pocket Notebook (vi Ink of Me Fondly) Pens and Ink: Esterbrook #1461 Rigid Fine (via Fountain Pen Quest) Kaweco Carribean Turquoise Ink (via The Pencil Case…
Showing all posts tagged ink
Ink Drop: November 2013
I am so sorry I completely missed/forgot/skipped the Goulet Pens Ink Drop for November 2013. It was filled with colors that could be used for Christmas, unless, of course, you’re me and use green all year long. I also quite like reds so let’s call this my January Ink Drop and move on. The inks…
Link Love: The Deja Vu Edition
A lot of topics I’ve mentioned in the past, have made appearances on other blogs this week. I thought I’d start with those… Note: In this section, the first link is my original post and the links in parentheses are the posts from other bloggers. Write Notepads (via Pencil Revolution and My Pen Needs Ink)…
Ask The Desk: Clogged Fountain Pens
Tom asks: Several of my fountain pens seem to be clogged. Certainly the ink does not flow as freely as it did when they were new. The tried and true cures – such as soaking in a bowl of warm water with two drops of ammonia – do not seem to work. What is the…
Link Love: Boxing Day Edition Fabulous video of a hand-writing automaton boy built over 240 years ago (via Letter Writers Alliance) Paper & Notebooks: Studio Ghibli Moleskine (not for sale) (via Notebook Stories) Overview of the Word Standard Memorandum (via East, West, Everywhere) Doane Flap Jotter Notepad Review (via Ed Jelley) Scout Books Mega DIY Notebooks (via Design Concussion) Nock Co.…
12 Days of Inkmas: De Atramentis Pigeon Blue
On the last day of Inkmas, my true pen was inked with De Atramentis Pigeon Blue! Not as romantic as a partridge in a pear tree but its my favorite ink (at the moment) so I thought it was worthy of being the last ink of the first annual Inkmas. Initially, I ordered a sample…
12 Days of Inkmas: Diamine Graphite
Today is one of those gray, winter days so I thought maybe I’d choose an ink that reflected the gray days for the eleventh day of Inkmas. Its called Diamine Graphite. I expected it to be a neutral grey-black. What I got instead was a very unusual grey-green. My first thought was that it reminded…