First Look: Birmingham Pen Co. Inks

First Look: Birmingham Pen Co. Inks

Laura’s Perspective: Recently, Ana introduced me to the Birmingham Pen Company and their own line of inks ($7.99 per 30ml). Birmingham Pen Company is located on the Southside of Pittsburgh, which was once called “Little Birmingham” due to the fact that it was a manufacturing hub in the 1900’s, like Birmingham was to England . Today,…

Ask The Desk: Uni Signo Prussian Blue Ink Match, Dry Converters & Rose Gold Ink

Ask The Desk: Uni Signo Prussian Blue Ink Match, Dry Converters & Rose Gold Ink

Jessica asks: I’m usually a blue-black ink girl, but ever since purchasing a Uni-ball Signo DX in the new color Prussian Blue, I am in love with this bright navy blue color. I’d like to buy some fountain pen ink samples in this color and I’m wondering if you know any inks that are the…

Ink Review: Colorverse Sunspot, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy

Ink Review: Colorverse Sunspot, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy

I’ve decided to dub this group of Colorverse inks the “goth collection”. When I started painting the names of the colors I realized that they all sounded like club nights or 90s goth clubs. I realize that’s totally dating me but what can I say? Out of context, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy…