12 Days of Inkmas: Day 1 – TWSBI 1791 Part 1: Pink and Prairie Green

12 Days of Inkmas: Day 1 – TWSBI 1791 Part 1: Pink and Prairie Green

Welcome to the first day of Inkmas! We are celebrating the impending holiday with 12 Days of ink reviews — a somewhat annual tradition here at the Desk. We are going to start off with Tina’s reviews of the new TWSBI inks so really, you’re going to get way more in the next 12 Days…

Guest Post Ink Review: MontBlanc Ladies Edition Pearl

Guest Post Ink Review: MontBlanc Ladies Edition Pearl

Guest Review by Jaclyn Myers (AKA Inkpothesis) Typically my opinion of an ink forms long after I have opened it. Assessing the important characteristics of an ink requires a pen to be filled, a nib to be dipped, and my Col-o-Ring collection to be expanded by yet another swab. Other times, the presentation of an…

Ink Review: Sailor Studio 140

Ink Review: Sailor Studio 140

By Jessica Coles I doubt it’s a secret that I love the new Sailor Studio inks. The downside to this love is the sheer number of them – 100. At the rate I’m going, it’s going to be at least another 2 years before I’ve reviewed all of them, but I’m committed to trying. This…

Ink Review: Krishna Overcast Deep Lilac

Review by Laura Cameron Ana has been keeping me stocked in purples to review. Recently, she brought me a bottle of Krishna Overcast Deep Lilac (20mL, $6.00) all the way from the DC Supershow. This was actually my first experience with Krishna inks, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect! Overcast Deep Lilac is…