Review: Platinum Maki-E Nylon Bristle Brush Pen

Platinum Classic Brush Pen with Mt. Fuji and Cherry Blossoms Pattern ($52) is a nylon fiber brush pen with a beautiful slender black body. It features a gold toned clip and gold accents and a painted Mount Fuji and cherry blossoms designs. Its one of the most traditionally Japanese motfi pens I’ve ever owned and…

Fountain Pens for Sketching

Fountain Pens for Sketching

As I’ve been spending more time using my pens, inks and notebooks for drawing, I thought I’d put together a post about the best fountain pens (and inks) for sketching. I did a good deal of research for this piece. My favorite is Liz Steel’s 7-Part Fountain Pen Sketching article. Her Part Two: Why Draw…