Fountain Pen Review: Zebra Zensations

Review by Laura Cameron Several weeks ago I was browsing JetPens and saw the 4-pack of Zebra Zensations ($9.75) and thought I’d give disposable fountain pens a try. Zebra Zensations are plastic bodied disposable fountain pens. They come in a variety of colors including: red, green, blue, turquoise, black, purple and pink. My 4-pack included…

Fountain Pen Review: Birmingham Pen Co. Model-A Liquid Hot Magma

Fountain Pen Review: Birmingham Pen Co. Model-A Liquid Hot Magma

I had been itching to try one of Birmingham Pen Company’s custom fountain pens — their Model-A series designs. They release a small batch of a particular color material every few weeks or months. For some reason, I was taken by the Crystalline Liquid Hot Magma ($119) acrylic color, aptly named after the Austin Powers reference.…

Fountain Pen Review: Esterbook Estie (Tortoise with Gold Trim)

Fountain Pen Review: Esterbook Estie (Tortoise with Gold Trim)

By Jessica Coles A few months ago I heard that the Esterbrook trademark had been purchased by Kenro Industries and the manufacturing of Esterbrook pens was going to restart.  I had many thoughts about this, not many of them comforting. Esterbrook closed their doors for good in 1972. There was a brief attempt to revive…

Fountain Pen Review: Monteverde Monza

Review by Jessica Coles Monteverde has recently come out with several new nibs for their Monza line.  The Monteverde flex nib ($16.00 at Pen Chalet) is one of these. The Monza flex comes in a light green plastic box — somewhat like a small pencil box where the pen, two cartridges, and the included converter are packed in a…

Pen and Ink Review: TWSBI Go and Robert Oster Pacific Ocean Teal

Review by Jessica Coles Imagine this: Exhausted from 8 hours of travel and flight delays, plus the pleasure of being jammed in a big metal tube with strangers and offered snacks that consist of exactly three pretzels. Then my wonderful and beautiful friend, Kimberly (aka allthehobbies. NOT Kim) drives up and helps me to load…