Pen Review: Retro 51 Rollerball Conversion Kit

Pen Review: Retro 51 Rollerball Conversion Kit

I’ve always been a big fan of rollerball pens that use fountain pen ink. I wrote about them a while back and showed a small sample of my personal rollerball-fountain-pen-ink collection. Since that time, my collection has grown. The most recent addition to that collection isn’t actually a pen itself but a conversion kit. Retro…

Is that a fountain pen? Or a rollerball? Fountain Roller?

Is that a fountain pen? Or a rollerball? Fountain Roller?

by Jessica Coles This is not a review of the Traveler’s Factory Green lineup. It begins that way but don’t be fooled. There is more to this post (and the pen) than just a review of a pocket pen. The latest lineup from Traveler’s Company is a set of compact writing tools – fountain pen,…