Darling little workspace for a child or a child-at-heart. (via PLAZA Interiör)
Showing all posts tagged desk
Remember tucking into one of those library carrels when you were cramming for exams? This cozy little desk reminds me of those. Created in collaboartion between Christien Starkenburg from Slowwood and Studio Andaacht, you too can have your own little reading carrel. (via madame hervé)
While my skills with Nordic languages is beyond iffy, I think this is a Swedish blogger who posts often about her beautiful home. This picture is of her work table where she sews. I love the use of low-budget strand board normally used for sub-flooring but here its been stained and polyurethaned to a soft…
I think I need to just paint my office white so I stop torturing my dear readers with endless photos of white workspaces! I think the white-on-white look is the perfect starting point for an office. Then add your favorite colors, a wonderful focal piece like a great desk, flamboyant chair or piece of art.…
Another clean, white, bright Nordic workspace. Clean neat spaces like this would be so inspiring to make big messes in! (via Lovenordic Design Blog)
Sometimes, the most inspiring workspace is a wide open table with nothing but paper and pencil and a nice view out the window. (via the style files)
Fabulous round-up of desks and workspaces at Inspire Bohemia, from eclectic and arty to modern, clean and efficient. (via Inspire Bohemia: desk)