Pen Review: WRITECH Journaling Kit

Pen Review: WRITECH Journaling Kit

Having watched lots of planner set-up videos recently, I am seeing a lot planner and journal supplies that were purchased on Amazon. A lot of these products are from brands I’ve never heard of before so I got curious. I tend to purchase name-brand writing tools from smaller, online retailers like JetPens and Vanness Pen…

Pen Review: Sailor Ink Pen Set of 3

I’ve been watching with interest over the last several years as Sailor has released so many beautiful new inks. However, my ink drawer overfloweth (I have more than enough ink to last me a lifetime!) so I haven’t been purchasing many. Last time I perused Yoseka Stationery I was interested to see that Sailor is…

Pen Review: Pentel Fude Touch Brush Sign Pen 2020 Colors (12-Color Set)

On Friday, I talked about how much I love the Sai Watercolor Brush Pens. What I realized recently is how much I also love the Pentel Fude Brush Sign Pens. I have had one or two of this pens floating around the Desk and frequently reach for them for my daily journal and planning needs…

Pen review: Kakimori Refillable Pens

Pen review: Kakimori Refillable Pens

Pardon any confusion, when looking at the packaging, the brand name looked like “Okakimori” but the brand is actually “Kakimori”. Her at The Desk, we are fairly obsessed with fountain pen ink and the myriad of colors available to us. I have experimented with the Kuretake fill-it-yourself fiber tipped and brush pens. And of course,…

Brush Pen Review: Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic

Brush Pen Review: Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic

Review by Tina Koyama It’s planner prep season, and it’s also time to start thinking about (say it ain’t so!) the holidays. I took care of both with one set of brush pens: the Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic set of 8 colors (8/$17 or $2.50 each). Although I have a gazillion brush pens and use…

Pen Review: Kuretake Karappo Empty Brush Pens

Pen Review: Kuretake Karappo Empty Brush Pens

Earlier this year, the ladies of the Desk descended on the new Kuretake Karappo Empty Pen Sets like 17-year cicadas. Now, Kuretake as released a more deluxe version of these “empty pens”. There are two options available, a felt tip style ($7) and a brush pen style ($9.75). The new versions feature a longer pen…