Next up on my audition list was to find a good blue. Blue works exceptionally well for my holiday cards because my family is Jewish and my husband’s family celebrates Christmas, meaning it works as a somewhat neutral but still winter-ish, holiday-ish color. This year I was fascinated by the idea of Diamine Blue Edition…
Showing all posts tagged blue inks

Inkmas Day 5: Birmingham Pen Co. Winter Garden Snowflake
How holiday-centric is an ink with a name like (Winter Garden) Snowflake by Birmingham Pen Co. ($17 for 60ml bottle)? Pretty dang holiday, I say! It is currently being bottled as just “Snowflake” so don’t be confused by the label on my bottle. Snowflake has a lovely reddish sheen over a cool blue aqua/turquoise. When…

Ink Review: Vinta Inks Collections (Neon & Vintage)
The new Vinta Inks Collection sets have recently arrived and I couldn’t be happier– despite a little inktastrophe. There are two collections, Neon and Vintage, and each include three-15ml bottles in a divided tray in a decorated slip jacket. The Neon Collection features a bright pink (Tagpuan Electric Pink), a bright cyan (Magnetic Blue) and…

12 Days of Inkmas: Ferris Wheel Press Ink Timeless Blue Special Edition 2020 (We forgot Day 8!)
Huge apologies for skipping Day 8 on Inkmas this year. Thankfully, one of our readers noticed the oversight. So, we have decided to bump this out to be our post-Boxing Day Inkmas post. There’s no reason that the holiday festivities can’t continue, right? The Ferris Wheel Press Ink Timeless Blue Special Edition 2020 ($18 for…

Ink Overview: Sheaffer Inks
So often, we focus on the newest inks and ink colors. Today, we thought we’d do an overview of an ink classic: Sheaffer. There are eight basic colors: Black, Purple, Red, Brown, Green, Turquoise, Blue, and Blue-Black. Each ink is available in 50ml bottles for $10 each or in Sheaffer proprietary cartridges (I recommend the…

Ink Overview: Manyo Inks by Sailor
By Jessica Coles Last week I presented a post featuring an overview of the Taccia Lip color ink collection, rather than focusing on a single ink in the line. Since several new ink collections have come out recently, I decided to again present an overview – let me know if you enjoy this type of…