In my world this week, the big news has been the photos from the Webb telescope photos which Bob watched live yesterday morning. nd I placed an order for some stamps and stickers from JetPens this week and while I’ve been anxiously awaiting their arrival, I discovered that I’m not the only person who’s decided to up their journal/planner game with some fancy doodads.
I feel like July is the perfect time to spice up your planner or chosen analog tool with a little something extra. If you’ve been using the same system all year, you might be feeling a little restless. So rather than starting over with something new, this is the perfect time to add a little more pizzazz. This doesn’t mean going all the way over to the super decorated bullet journals. Just add some washi to the edge of pages to indicate the beginning of the month or a regularly referenced page (to be watched? to be read?). Or stamp the date at the top of your page. Easy peasy and it might make getting over the mid-year planner slump a little easier!
- The Best Bristle Brush Pens (via JetPens)
- Kaweco Collection Liliput Green Fountain Pen Review (via The Pen Addict)
- Caran d’Ache Ballpoints (via Wonder Pens Blog)
- My Thoughts on the Lamy Studio (via The Pen Addict)
- Are You A Pen Collector? (via An Inkophile’s Blog)
- Drehgriffel Nr. 2 (via Bleistift)
- Diamine new Flowers box set (via United Inkdom)
- Review: Anderillium Inks Avian Series (via KraftyCats)
- Ferris Wheel Press Ink Charger Set Review (via The Pen Addict)
- ScriBo Verde Mediterraneo (via dapprman)
- Pennonia Organa Lilac (via Fountain Pen Pharmacist)
- Fruity July Ink Palettes (via Mountain of Ink)
- Robert Oster Chicago (via Mountain of Ink)
- Thrifty Tips pt.1 (via Nero’s Notes Blog)
Notebooks & Paper:
- Changing journals and changing headings for change’s sake (via mnmlscholar)
- Finding Stickers That Work With Fountain Pens (via An Inkophile’s Blog)
Art & Creativity:
- Summer Travels Sketchbook Page Tutorial (via The Postman’s Knock)
- Sketching in a Traveler’s Notebook: An Introvert’s Guide to Sketching (via Yoseka Stationery Blog)
- Saunders Waterford Watercolor Paper Review (via Doodlewash)
- Sketches from a trip to Northern Europe (2022) (via Apple-Pine)
- Getting back into rhythm (via Apple-Pine)
- Review: Barry Herniman’s Cloverleaf Paintbox (via Parka Blogs)
- Revisiting an old favourite paint colour… (via Liz Steel)
- “When in Rome, do as you done in Milledgeville” (via Abigail Halpin)
- The typography of an iconic mill inspires the identity of a new East London neighbourhood (via Creative Boom)
Tips On Making An Infographic For Your Research Poster (via The Designest)
Other Interesting Things:
- Tom Bihn Techonaut 45 Review (via Carryology)
- delft blue: rickshaw pen cases (via A Fleeting Ripple)
- Finding Stillness and Embracing Imperfection (via From the Pen Cup)
- Something New In My Arsenal (via An Inkophile’s Blog)
- BENU defies the war, spreads vibes of creativity and peace (via INKED HAPPINESS)
- stickers, washi tapes, and more iii: 10×10 (iconic, dailylike, rihoon, etc.) (via ink sharks)
- Recent Sketches: A quiet sketching week in an A4 book (via Liz Steel)
- NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Reveals Astounding, Unprecedented Views of the Universe (via Colossal)
- Japanese Artist Sculpts Ceramic Sculptures of Enchanting Exotic Fruits (via My Modern Met)
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