Ink Review: Ferris Wheel Press Curious Collaborations: Paper Tree

Ink Review: Ferris Wheel Press Curious Collaborations: Paper Tree

I recently received a set of inks from Ferris Wheel Press called Curious Collaborations. The set is has been created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Paper Tree, a family-owned stationery store in Tokyo. There are three inks in the set: Glimmering Greige, Chidori Cherry Blossom, and Dearest Navy. Dearest Navy is a strong blue-black…

Ink Review: KWZ Prairie Green, Galen Leather Exclusive

Ink Review: KWZ Prairie Green, Galen Leather Exclusive

The Washington DC show was an amazing place to be this year – many people have not seen one another in two years and the reunions were everywhere. This did, however, lead to shortages on popular items at the show. One of these was a new, exclusive ink from Galen Leather, a KWZ ink that…

Ink Review: A Closer Look at Anderillium

Ink Review: A Closer Look at Anderillium

This week I am looking at the properties of Anderillium inks, starting with the first four from the Cepholapod series: Blue-ringed Octopus blue, Bobtail Squid green, Vampire Squid red, and Cuttlefish brown. If you would like to see all 16 ink colors, be sure to read my post from last week! First, a comparison of…

Ink Review: Scribo Cannella

Ink Review: Scribo Cannella

I’m going to start this review today with a photo that isn’t actually of this ink. I only purchased a sample of Cannella, although that may change soon, I still wanted to show what incredible bottles Scribo uses for their ink. These are 90mL bottles, glass, and they are heavy. The bottles are able to…

Ink Review: Laban Inks

Ink Review: Laban Inks

Just before Christmas, I purchased samples of the five newest Laban inks in their Mythology Series: Athena, Ares, Zeus, Hera, and Hermes. Beautiful colors! I haven’t been able to review these until now – there have been so many new inks released lately. I am only reviewing these latest five inks but if you would…