How to Approach 2025: Strategies for Goal-Setting

How to Approach 2025: Strategies for Goal-Setting

As with every year at this time, with the new year looming on the horizon, I start planning my goals and aspirations for the new year. Resolutions is a word that tends to give a lot of people the heebie-jeebies and its not one I use much. I prefer to make plans, goals and generally consider what I might be able to do differently in the coming year.

Gamify Your Life

I recently saw a video by Dawn Michelle, a tarot and journaling YouTuber, talking about Gamifying Life and there’s some real appeal for me. Using the mechanics of role-playing and video games, she broke down her personal goals into categories:

  • Vitality (strength) for fitness, health & wellness
  •  Insight (intelligence) for personal growth (learning, reading, classes, practicing a skill)
  • Charisma for relationships
  • Wisdom for spirituality
  • Dexterity for work, professional life

She turned her journal/planner into her Quest Log, tasks become Quests, XP are points assigned to each activity and will allow you to “level up” and loot is whatever personal rewards you assign to completing a task or leveling up.

She also built in some play by creating a “Roll for Initiative” using a D20 die and a list of 20 tasks or activities. You can built an Initive List for any type of task or activity. You could make a special list for chores or work, or create a list that includes tasks combined with more pleasurable activities like “take a nap”  or “have a sweet treat” as well as chore, work or fitness tasks.

Dawn Michelle provided a downloadable PDF to reference as well as some of the projects and goals she is setting up for herself. Keep in mind, some of her goals are specifically tarot focused so if that’s not your bag, you can certainly substitute the tarot portion out with whatever you are passionate about (i.e. marathon training, bible study, finishing grad school, etc).

I also like attaching a “loot” status to completing a certain number of tasks and/or leveling up. Small weekly accomplishments allow access to a small Loot like an extra hour to read or a cookie for dessert. Accomplishing or leveling up at the end of the month could loot like buying something I’ve been wanting or spending a whole Saturday playing games. I like thinking of loot as not always a physical reward. A prize can often be time, relaxation or play.

I really like this idea of integrating a more gamified approach to my goal-setting as I think it will add an element of fun. Isn’t this why people love those tracking sections in planners? The joy of filling them all in and checking those boxes!

New, Old, Stop and Go

Another option is to just sit with your notebook or journal and ruminate on what you accomplished this year and what you might want to do in the coming year. I like the idea of setting a few goals focusing on one goal to start, one goal to continue, something you might want to stop doing, and some place you’d like to go (these are listed in the image at the top of this post). Rather than just creating a laundry list of “do, do, do!” this gives you a chance to reflect on something you are already doing but might want to keep doing or do more as well as recognizing something you don’t want to do or want to stop doing (maybe its having negative thoughts, or you want to stop working for someone else!?!?)

The list above is a good jumping off point if you need some ideas of what to consider when making goals for the new year. Goals can be big or small: you can change careers or make a valiant effort to remember to take the trash out the night before pick-up.

SMART goal

There is also a technique that reminds us to make SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. So you can take a specific goal like “I want to exercise more” and make it specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely by adding more details like what type of exercise, how frequently and for how long and ultimately, for what purpose (health, mental wellness, lose weight, etc). So, the goal then becomes “I want to ride my bike 30 minutes, three times a week to stay healthy.”

A lot of the goals listed in the image above definitely need to have the SMART method applied to make them doable. Like so much, we need to break things down into actionable steps. Then reward ourselves with XP and Loot for doing it!

My plan

I think new year’s planning and goal setting can give us a sense of control of our lives when we don’t always feel like we have it anywhere else but in the pages of our journal. I also think this year end/new year assessment allows us a chance to think about our big picture plans. I often see those planners with all the monthly goal, weekly goal, year goal pages and I find it so intimidating. I am not planning to run for city council or launch a tech start-up. My goals are always small but they can be meaningful to me. Here are a few that I am putting in my list:

  • repot and fertilize all my house plants (spring) (vitality)
  • swatch all my ink samples (need to break this down into monthly or weekly goals) (insight or dexterity)
  • design XX new stickers/stamps per month or quarter (dexterity)
  • finish some of my UFOs (“unfinished objects” knitting projects) (insight)
  • read a lot of books (insight)
  • exercise more regularly (vitality)
  • schedule regular meet-ups with friends (charisma)

I need to apply some of the SMART goal metrics to some of the goals listed above but I think this is a good start. Time to get my journal out and start getting this all written down!

How are you planning for 2025? Please share your suggestions and goals in the comments!

Link Love: Boxing Day Edition

Link Love: Boxing Day Edition

Wishing you all a restful Boxing Day and a big dose of links!

Wrap Ups & Reflections:


Notebooks & Paper:

Art & Creativity:

Other Interesting Things:

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Inkmas 12: Happy Hannukah!

Inkmas 12: Happy Hannukah!

Although I’ve covered the reds and greens for Christmas, today I wanted to provide you with an array of blues. That’s because, this year, Hannukah starts tomorrow as well!

As it turns out, I don’t have that many bottles of what I would consider pure blues in my ink stash. I tend towards teal blue so I have far more of those. In fact, Colorverse Supernova might be a bit too much in that direction, but I included it anyway. The others provide a nice selection of blues: Monteverde Horizon Blue and Diamine Blue Velvet are rich blues, Diamine Happy Holidays is a dark, dark blue with a bit of silver shimmer. And Parker Quink is a somewhat dustier blue, a classic blue/black standard.

A few others I found in swatches that might work… Faber Castell Cobalt Blue is almost jewel toned. Kobe #50 Legend Blue is is another strong blue, and PenBBS #103 Hyacinth Macaw is another blue with a bit of silver shimmer (I love the way PenBBS inks do shimmer – they have the best because the particles are so small!)

So that’s a selection of blues – may your Hannukah lights shine bright this year!

DISCLAIMER: Some of the items included in this review were provided to us free of charge for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details.

Inkmas 11: Octopus Write & Draw Inks

Inkmas 11: Octopus Write & Draw Inks

Today, I thought I’d do a quick overview of some of the Octopus Write & Draw Inks ($19.50 per 50ml bottle). I have eight of the potential 36 ink colors currently available. These inks are designed to used in fountain pens as well as with brushes and dip pens. And it’s most notable feature is that it’s waterproof.

Each color is named after a color and an animal and not necessarily an animal/color combo you might guess. Orange Koi? Nope. Blue Koi. Yellow Giraffe? No. Violet Giraffe. So, just go with the kooky naming.

I tested:

These are definitely wet inks. On Tomoe River, the dry is a bit longer, particularly with dip pens than I would have expected but I suppose this allows for a bit longer “cap off” time.

On Tomoe River paper, allowing the inks to dry in the time it took me to make lunch and a fresh cup of tea (about 30 minutes), all the Octopus Write & Draw inks withstood a paintbrush full of water without any issue. 100% waterproof. I’m pretty impressed with the results.

Reverse side of the Tomoe River ink tests. No bleedthrough.

The only one of the Write & Draw inks that I had a clear comparison for was Black Elephant and it had to go up against one of my most beloved inks: Platinum Carbon Black which I find to be one of the most fountain pen friendly waterproof black inks I own.

Waterproof comparison test #1. Winner? Black Elephant.
Waterproof Comparison Test #2. Winner? Black Elephant again.

I did a swatch at the bottom of the page with Platinum Carbon Black and Black Elephant and the Platinum ink did smear with water in some places. It may not have been completely dry but still… It was written the same time with the same dip pen as the Black Elephant and Black Elephant did NOT smear. So… who’s the more wateproof at first glance? I think Black Elephant won this round.

One of the biggest questions I have for the long-term use of Black Elephant is the Octopus Special Cleaner for Write & Draw inks. The product is currently sold out but my inclination is to assume its similar to the Koh-I-Noor Rapido-Eze Cleaning Solution I’ve used for years for stubbornly clogged technical pens and the occasional fountain pen in a sonic cleaner. This potential need to use an industrial grade cleaner makes me a little hesitant to put Black Elephant into many of my pens in a way I do not worry about with Platinum Carbon Black. This is because many years ago, I did a test where I let Platinum Carbon Black dry in a Lamy Safari to see if it would was out (Yes, I was willing to let a Lamy take one for the team) and it washed out — with water. So, I suppose the only option at this point would be to sacrifice another Lamy to the same fate. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Overall, I think Octopus Write & Draw inks look like good options if you’re looking for more waterproof inks that you can use with fountain pens. I do warn that you should practice good pen hygiene until you know for sure how easily these inks wash out of fountain pens. I’ll let you know in a few months how my sacrificial pen test goes.


DISCLAIMER: Some items in this review include affiliate links, others were kindly provided to us by Vanness Pen Shop for the purpose of review. The Well-Appointed Desk is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Please see the About page for more details.

Inkmas 10: Diamine Shimmer-tastic Enchanted Ocean

Inkmas 10: Diamine Shimmer-tastic Enchanted Ocean

So even though I’ve been concentrating on what I have in my ink stash, I did buy one new ink this year to see if it would fulfill my holiday writing dreams. I picked up a sample of Diamine Shimmer-tastic Enchanted Ocean from Vanness Pens a few weeks ago (4ml sample for $4.15).

Enchanted Ocean was part of Diamine’s 2016 release of shimmer and sheen inks, and looked to be perfect for dark, starry nights. It’s a dark blue (check) that is supposed to have red sheen and silver shimmer.

While I do see the silver shimmer in the ink vial, and very lightly on the page, I don’t see the red shimmer at all. I had high hopes for this one, but found it a little disappointing.

It is a lovely blue though. I will note that this ink also seemed drier to me than most – it dried quickly on the page and I didn’t feel like it was excessively wet on the nib either.

In looking for comparisons, I found it’s a little similar to KWZ’s special Meet me in St. Louis edition, as well as Anderilium Ink’s Flying Blue Squid, although both lean more teal than Enchanted Ocean. Akkerman #7 Konninginne Nach-Blauw is also similar, but somewhat lighter. Everything else in my ink stash leaned too blue or too teal.

While I enjoy the shade, I can’t help but wishing I could see more of that beautiful shimmer! (and that might be solved by buying a full bottle?)

DISCLAIMER: Some of the items included in this review were provided to us free of charge for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details.

Fashionable Friday: Winter Solstice

Fashionable Friday: Winter Solstice

On the longest night of the year, I like to marvel at the stars in the sky, the chill in the air and the official start of winter here in the Midwest. Frosty ink colors, a hot mug of tea and listening to quiet tunes with my headphones on so the sounds of the city fall away.

Thanks to my sponsors for providing some of the images I use for Fashionable Friday. Please consider making your next purchase from one of the shops that support this blog and let them know you heard about them here. Thanks for your support and don’t forget to join our Patreon for even more content!

DISCLAIMER: The item in this review include affiliate links. The Well-Appointed Desk is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Please see the About page for more details.