I just heard about this new Sharpie pencil this morning on NPR. Has anyone tried one? Let us know what you think!


Sharpie has combined the permanence of a pen with the erasability of a pencil with their new Liquid Pencil. The “ink” inside this pen is a liquid graphite that stays erasable for three days. After that, it turns to ink and stays permanent.

(via fuckyeahschoolsupplies. Original image from Geekologie)

With my new iPad purchase, I’ve been on the hunt for a perfect iPad cover. I just bought the M-Edge Trip Jacket for iPad. Its a canvas cover with interior leather details and a Moleskine-style elastic closure. Its available in 5 solid colors and about half a dozen graphic patterns. Simple, clean and understated at only $49.99-$54.99.

I’ll follow up with a more detailed review in the future.

Fresh Starts in September

Fresh Starts in September

Hot on the heels of our back-to-school enthusiasm, author Jennifer Weiner talks about how September is the new January and the best time to make a fresh start.

It’s paradoxical, I know. Fall represents the end of things: the summer, and the year drawing to a close. But for anyone who remembers that sensation of optimism and excitement—the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and new shoes, the terror and thrill of walking into a new classroom—September is when things really begin.