Best desk accessory? Fresh flowers. Or a beautiful plant.
(via Design Darling)
Have Pencil, Will Travel:
Pencil Case Round-up from various sources on Etsy
(top to bottom, left to right):
Thanks to Agent Obsolete for assembling a fantastic array of vintage office supplies into one bundle on Etsy. After a heated debate with my DH over who rightfully owned the vintage battleship green tape dispenser, I went on the hunt for a replacement. Voila! Agent Obsolete not only had the exact tape dispenser I wanted but chocked the lot full of other vintage treasures: file box, pencil sharpener, binder clips and even a vintage nib holder. Score!!!
Check out some of the other items available like the xtra big, xtra little pencil set, vintage pencil lot, the modernist desk organizer by Harvey Probber or a fabulous vintage Hermes Rocket typewriter.
(via AgentObsolete on Etsy)
Morgans Hotel Group partnered with The School of Life to produce a Minibar for the Mind. Each Minibar for the Mind offers hotels guests paper, pencils and inspiration in a a box. Included is a set of 250 cards featuring questions, quotations and provocations; a Dreams and Fears Notebook (with Writers Block pencils) and two tailor-made Reading Prescriptions which are designed to evoke moods of relaxation or seduction. Even if you can’t make it to their hotels, you can get a kit for $56 via email.
(via Lonny Blog)
Editors, writers and designers will enjoy these typographic-centric pencils. $9 for a set of six.
(via afavorite on Etsy)
Simple Desktops, where have you been all my life? An archive of graphic, simple desktop designs to brighten your day. What’s not to like?
This looks like a low-cost paperboard desk tray but the site is all in Korean so I have very little information. If anyone can translate or has seen this elsewhere, please leave a comment. Thanks!!
(via Antenna Shop)