Inkmas Day 4 already! Today we have a pair of inks that were created by Sailor exclusively for the Dromgoole’s store – Apricot Jam and Mint Jelly. Thank you to Dromgoole’s for sending these inks for a review!
As delicious as these inks sound, please don’t taste them. The goodness is for your eyes only.
Apricot Jam is a yellow-leaning orange that is dark enough to nearly get into brown territory. The color reminds me very much of dried apricots or homemade apricot jam – one of my favorites on bread fresh from the oven.
Apricot Jam is close to 3 Oysters Hwangto although is brighter in writing. The shading is strong in this ink.
Mint Jelly is a great name for this ink as a pairing with Apricot Jelly although I think it would be better described as a sage green. I’m excited to see how well this ink pairs with the new Kaweco AL pen!
In writing, Mint Jelly is close to Vinta Inks Sirena Mermaid although it has a bit less blue. The swatch reminds me of the lighter portions of Sailor Manyo Ayame. I enjoy how closely this color flirts with the edge of gray.
A swatch of both Sailor Dromgoole’s inks on Cosmo Air Light paper:
The jelly inks on Midori MD paper:
And both inks on Tomoe River 52gsm paper:
Putting all three swatches in one photo shows how much the color can vary based on paper choice. From top to bottom, Tomoe River 52gsm paper, Midori MD paper, Cosmo Air Light paper.
I love the colors of these inks and the theme in the names – Apricot Jam is my favorite even though it makes me want fresh baked bread every time I say the name.
Each color can be picked up from Dromgoole’s for $20 for a 20mL bottle – this is an average price for Sailor inks at $1/mL.
Which one is your favorite?
DISCLAIMER: Some items included in this review were provided free of charge by Dromgoole’s for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details.