Finding a local store that carries fountain pen supplies can be tough. Not many stores are expanding in this direction and many online stores do not have brick-and-mortar shops. So when I find a retailer carrying fountain pens and ink, I get very excited! (much to the embarrassment of my kids!)
I apologize for the small format of these photos. Somehow I had left my phone behind so I was using my husband’s phone while trying to not draw attention to me taking photos.
I have enjoyed shopping at Meininger’s Art Supply for several years now and have visited each of their three locations in Colorado (although one location closed recently due to an expanding college campus).
When I first walked into Meininger’s, the store was overwhelming – two stories of every kind of art supplies I could imagine. But one thing was quite underrepresented at the shop – fountain pens.
The notebook selection is amazing. Pencils, everywhere. Some of the older editions from these manufacturers have stuck around and you can often find some products that sold out quickly in the past. Notice in the photo to the left that our own Well-Appointed Desk has merch here already.
The display behind the counter shows off more expensive inks, recent limited editions, and Galen leather products.
A large wall display shows off the various pen refills – ballpoint, rollerball, and fountain pens. The glass counter displays show Lamy, Sailor, Retro 51, Kaweco, the list goes on.
But to my absolute delight, the ink selection is wonderful!
The selection includes ColorVerse, Organic Studios, Noodler’s, Krishna, Sailor, Lamy, Platinum, Pilot, Parker, Waterman, Diamine, Kyo-no-oto… I may be forgetting some!
Notebooks had been represented well before this expansion of pens and ink, but the store now carries plenty of Midori, Strathmore and Tomoe River paper! I found an entire wall dedicated to fountain pen friendly paper.
I have been told that the expansion of the fountain pen selection is due to the work of one woman – Patty. Although I have never met Patty, I am grateful. My corner of the world has been devoid of fountain pen supplies (well, not my house, but I’ve missed having a local supplier!).
If you are ever in the Denver area, make sure to drop into Meininger’s and tell them they have fans! Hopefully this is a trend we will see more of in the future.