Link Love: Planning Game Plan

Link Love: Planning Game Plan

Filofax Notebook stack

As November has started, my need to get serious about planning has escalated. I don’t know about you but my planning game went on hiatus for 2020 and the better part of 2021. But last week, I got my COVID booster and flu shot and plans are being made for upcoming holiday celebrations. I feel like life is slowly returning to normal and, as a result, has required more effort on my part to stay on top of my tasks and activities. However, after almost two years of “not planning” I feel like I need to re-evaluate the what and how I plan. I am considering a return to a ring or discbound planner this year but I even considered (gasp!) a digital planner! Don’t worry, the idea of digital planning being useful or effective, quickly passed.

How’s your planning game?



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Planner Review: Midori 2022 Pocket Diary Slim- Ojisan

Even though I’ve more or less figured out what planners work best for me, I’m still eager to try new ones when I see them. So when I perused Vanness Pens a few weeks ago, I was intrigued by the Midori 2022 Pocket Diary ($11). Even though I keep many appointments in my electronic calendar, who doesn’t want a small purse size calendar to refer to?

This is a 16-month planner, with a block layout, which helps me easily visualize how the dates and days (and holidays!) occur each month.

At the very front there is a 2022 Yearly Schedule spread for noting important dates throughout the year, and at the back there are several lined pages, perfect for jotting down important notes or things to transfer to the next year.

Of least use to me, but terribly charming, the end of the calendar is full of subway maps of Japan!

The paper in the planner cover is made of cardstock, and reinforced by a plastic slipcover that protects the planner itself. The paper is Midori paper, somewhat thin (you can see gridlines through from the opposite side) but still handles fountain pens beautifully with no bleed through.

I should also mention that “Ojisan” is the lovable character who appears on many pages with his unique appearance and unforgettable behavior. This year’s theme is carefree living and Ojisan starts his year with a steamy pot of tea. What could be more perfect for a girl who loves, knitting, tea and planners?

Notebook Review: Paperblanks 100gsm & 120gsm

Notebook Review: Paperblanks 100gsm & 120gsm

It’s been several years since I’ve tried a Paperblanks journal. I used one of their planners for a couple years but moved on to other planning systems and had sort of forgotten about Paperblanks. The most recognizable and notable aspect of Paperblanks notebooks and planners are the beautiful, often antique-inspired covers that they use which incorporate emboss and often gold.

I had mentioned Paperblanks to someone recently and it led me back  to their website to discover that they now list the paper weights they use and noticed that they listed 80gsm, 100gsm and 120gsm paper stocks. Clearly, it was time to give Paperblanks another look.

Paperblanks Midi & A7 notebooks

I ordered one Flexi Midi notebook (approx. 5 x 7 “) with 100gsm paper. The cover featured artwork by Catrin Welz-Stein whose work I am enamored with. I also ordered a hard cover Midi notebook with 120gsm paper. Included in my order was a free A7 sized Paper-Oh lined notebook which is part of Paperblanks contemporary line and featured a metallic grey wave texture on the outside.

Upon further research, the Paper-Oh line is only available in 80gsm and 100gsm papers (when shopping on the Paperblanks site, select “more filters” to reveal the paper weight options if you are specifically looking for the heavier weight.

So, let’s start reviewing the notebooks.

Oceania Diamond Rosette Midi Hardcover Notebook

The Oceania Diamond Rosette Midi ($18.95) Notebook in Hardcover is beautifully embossed with antiqued gold foiling and a textural look though the cover is actually a matte soft-touch wrapped paper hardcover notebook.

The hardcover Midi version of this notebook includes a black elastic closure which I don’t particularly like how it looks with the antique centered design. But its nice that its been included.

The back cover includes a gusseted pocket for miscellany and a red satin ribbon bookmark that is cut and sealed on the end so it doesn’t fray. The book includes 144 pages.

The Oceania notebook features the 120gsm and this is what I wanted to try. The paper is a soft white ivory (which is very difficult to photograph correctly) and I purchased the blank version. The only other option was lined.

I tested several “everyday” fountain pens and a small assortment of felt tip and gel pens. They all performed beautifully.

Writing on this paper provides a little tooth and texture and feel velvety to write on. The Midi size also hits that sweet spot between an A5 and A6 size. I really like it.

From the reverse side of both pages, there was no bleedthrough and no showthrough either.

Wordscapes Flexi Midi Notebook

The Wordscapes “Free Your Mind” Midi Flexi  ($15.95) Notebook is the same size and the hardcover Midi but features a more flexible “softcover”. The design printed on the cover is done in the same way as the Oceania notebook — soft touch matte but this cover features a more contemporary, vintage-inspired illustration by Catrin Welz-Stein. The illustration is accented with gloss varnish and some metallic details on the figure’s dress.

This notebook also features a light, printed edge painting that reminds me of marbling. It’s very subtle and might be missed if I hadn’t looked closely. It would have been nice for the edge painting to be a little more bold to be more evident.

The secretary pocket in the back of the Flexi notebook is not gusseted and the Flexi notebook does not include an elastic for closing the book.

The Flexi notebook features more pages than the hardcover notebook — 176 pages vs. the 144 pages in the hardcover. The paper is also only 100gsm instead of the 120gsm option in the hardcover.

Compared to the velvety texture of the 120gsm paper, the 100gsm paper seems a bit smoother, silkier. I enjoyed writing on it despite knowing that it was more likely to bleed or showthrough. The advantage of the lighter weight paper is that a guide sheet is much more easy to see under the blank pages.

The lighter weight paper becomes evident with more showthrough and a little bleedthrough with heavier ink applications like the music nib and the broad brush pens. It’s not awful and if you use a lot of fine nib fountain pens and a mix of ballpoint, gel and other tools, you might not mind the lighter paper.

Paper-Oh A7 Yuko-Ori Lined Notebook

The Paper-Oh A7 Yuko-Ori Metallic Grey ($4.21) Lined Notebook was included in my order as a bonus and it gave me a chance to see and try the lined paper without investing in a third notebook. The Paper-Oh line is more contemporary looking and feeling with the textural paper cover and a “perfect binding” rather than the wrapped paper covers (hard of soft) of the traditional Paperblanks line.

Included in the tiny notebook was a paper bookmark which I could not figure out how it was meant to be folded and a little brochure about the development of the Paper-Oh line.

The Yuko-Ori notebook appears to use the same 100gsm paper as the larger Midi Flexi notebook. However, the paper seemed to behave a bit differently with inks. I believe this was a result of the printing necessary to add lines to the paper. The lines are very thin and printed in a light brown so they are very subtle. If I needed a lined notebook, this is the kind of lines I’d want. However, the alteration to the paper as a result of the lines is a bit of a disappointment. I may be reading more into the paper than was there. Maybe it’s just a slightly different paper?

The inconsistencies in the way the fountain pen ink adhered to the paper turned out to be difficult to capture in a photo so I guess it’s not as bad as I am making it out to be.


In the end, I am more inclined to stick to the blank pages to avoid any additional issues, especially with the 100gsm paper. The 120gsm paper may stand up to the printing process better. If anyone decides to try the heavier paper with lines, please let me know if you run into any issues.

I am glad I tried Paperblanks again. I am 100% sold on the the 120gsm paper and I do like the unusual Midi size. I look forward to trying more variations of the Paperblanks notebooks in various sizes.

DISCLAIMER: The items included in this review were purchased by me and I was not compensated to write this review. Please see the About page for more details.


Today is Fountain Pen Day!

Today is Fountain Pen Day!

In honor of Fountain Pen Day, There are many special deals, offers and discounts across the stationery-world. Rather than attempt to list them all here, I am just including a link to the FPD web site where all the participating shops are listed. Click on any participating shop to find out what special deals they are offering.

Papier Plume FPD 10 Cafe Diabolique

One of the most coveted special projects this year is Papier Plume‘s special FPD ink: Cafe Diabolique which was blended to be an exact match for Cafe Brulot, a trance-inducing after-dinner coffee ritual which is still being performed by a few old-school waiters skilled in the flaming at-table ritual. This is something I definitely want to try next time I visit the French Quarter. As of posting this, the direct link to the product was not yet available so check the inks page (linked above at Noon, New Orleans time) or Papier Plume’s Instagram account for more info.

Also available today, the last few pads of our latest iteration of our Vintage Typewriter Paper Pads ($12 each, limit 3 per customer — also on Etsy) featuring super lightweight Southworth Onionskin paper. There are just a few of these pads left (Patrons got a first go at them so they pretty much cleaned us out!) so be swift if you want to try our latest NOS paper pads. Also, all orders placed today and Saturday will include a free Col-o-ring Dipper (no coupon required)!

Happy Fountain Pen Day!

Ink Line Overview: Pineider Inks

Ink Line Overview: Pineider Inks

Many new ink lines have been introduced lately, many by pen manufacturers testing their skills in the ink market. Esterbrook, Diplomat, Otto Hut, and Pineider are a few of these. Today I will be looking at Pineider’s first ink run.

This ink line consists of 6 colors – Black, Sepia, Red, Blue, Turquoise, and Green.  I purchased my samples from Vanness for $25 for the 75mL bottle or $3.10 for a 4mL sample.

Pineider Red is a bold red that looks a bit pink in lighter applications. It never hurts the eyes – a good plain red. I only saw shading in the large swatch, not in writing.

Pineider Green has just a touch of yellow in the undertones but overall is well-balanced between yellow and blue. I did find a bit of sheen at the edges of some letters, although I would call it a halo rather than an actual sheen. Shading didn’t really show in the writing but it is there in the swatch.

Pineider Turquoise shows shading in writing but no sheen. It is a bit bluer than the majority of turquoise inks in my collection and a touch lighter than Aurora’s turquoise.

Pineider Blue also showed some shading in the writing sample and is more of a blurple than a pure blue. Blue is the only color in this collection that pushes away from the standard color.

Pineider Sepia was my favorite ink of this line – slight shading, a hint of red undertone, and lighter than most brown inks that I have sampled.

Pineider Black is more a cool-toned dark gray. I was a bit disappointed at how light it was even in the writing sample.

Above is the Pineider ink line – a solid, standard ink selection. I hope this isn’t the last we see from Pineider – their ink so far is well-made and priced affordably ($0.33 per mL). 

DISCLAIMER: The items included in this review were purchased by me and I was not compensated to write this review. Please see the About page for more details.


Link Love: Everyday is Fountain Pen Day, Right?

Fountain Pen Day is coming up on Friday this week and while I believe that everyday is Fountain Pen Day, this annual public celebration is a great way to increase the knowledge and love for fountain pens. Oh, and get some extra special deals from your favorite vendors.

Col-o-ring Dippers

In honor of Fountain Pen Day, both of our shops (Big Cartel and Etsy) will be offering a FREE Col-o-ring Dipper with every order placed from Friday, November 5 through Saturday, November 6, 2021. (No coupon required.)




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Last week on the Pen Addict podcast, Brad talked at length about NaNoWriMo. If you aren’t familiar with that term it stands for National Novel Writing Month. Each November, many many intrepid writers gather together to write a novel (or 50,000 words) between November 1 and November 30. The organization that supports it (which is now a 501c3) provides structure, milestones, encouragement and a network to support burgeoning writers participate. While many participants work digitally (composing on a computer), Brad talked about how he wanted to use NaNoWriMo to spend more time with his favorite tools: pen, ink and paper.

Every year since 2010, Ana and I have been participating in a lesser known, but similarly themed November event called NaKniSweMo. This stands for National Knit a Sweater Month and, like its inspiration, encourages crafters (knit and crochet are welcome) to create a garment between November 1 and 30th that contains at least 50,000 stitches. Ana and I use all of our analog tools to participate: needles and yarn to knit with, notebooks and pens (or spreadsheets if you prefer digital) to track our progress of stitches knit. Each year we plan for the process, scouring patterns, jotting down ideas or sketches, and getting ready for the event. And then we knit.

This year, I’m going to be knitting a cropped pullover sweater, Nydia by Vanessa Smith (pattern available on Ravelry). My yarn is Delightful DK from Apothefaery Fibers in the At the Hearth colorway, a gorgeous pumpkin orange I think is perfect for the fall. I’ve already done my homework (testing out the stitches to be sure it will create fabric of the right feel and proportions), and I’ve set up a notebook to track my progress.

In case you’re interested in seeing what we’ve done in the past, I’ve included a few of Ana’s and my past projects for NaKniSweMo.

Do you participate in a November project? (or any other month?) We’d love to hear about it and see your progress!