As I mentioned last week, one of my New Year’s goals is to record more of my daily life. Many days this will be humdrum, but I’d like to remember the little things. So a few weeks ago I purchased a Midori 5-Year Diary ($42). I eagerly awaited January 1st, then stared at the blank page…
Showing all posts in Planners & Organizers
New Year’s Resolutions 2023
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Part of me LOVES the idea because I like setting goals and achieving them. And then the other part of me is ready to just enjoy this last week of the year and not clutter it up with expectations for the new year. This year I do have a…
A Deep Dive into All-In-One Planners
Our final planner category is all-in-one planners (see our previous posts on Ringbound, Discbound, and Elastic Bound)– these are bound books with hardcover, softcover or spiral binding that feature some combination of calendars and other features for planning. This is probably the hardest category of planners to comprehensively discuss. There are literally hundreds of options…
Another Effin’ Planner: Effin’ Birds 2023 Monthly/Weekly Planner Calendar
Now is generally the time of year when I start thinking about next year’s planner. For the past few years I’ve been using my friend Nikol’s Year of the Planner, and before that I loved Ruff House Print Shop’s Weekly Planners. I find having weekly spreads where I can make to do list and note…

A Deep Dive into Discbound Planners
This is a follow-up to a series of posts created several years ago that dove deep into classic ringbound planners. To follow-up, we are going to going to investigate the ringbound planner’s closest cousin, the discbound planner. What’s a Discbound Planner: Discbound planner systems are built on a similar principle to a standard ringbound planner…

Product Review: Ryan McGinness 2023 Calendar To-Do List Pad
I confess that when I was contacted to review the 2023 Calendar To-Do List by Ryan McGinness ($40 available on Amazon), I squeed just a little bit. Over the years, I’ve accumulated several of McGinness’ art and design books (the most well-known is FLATNESSISGOD). I did my best to play it cool in our email…
Notebook Cover Review: Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter
Back in June when I went to a work convention, I wanted a somewhat slim, not too heavy notebook cover so I could carry a utilitarian notebook to record meetings I had, notes to myself and such. At the time, I had Ana’s Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter in a stack of items to try and review. So…